reformed calvinist

Yeah, I have a hard time calling the first season "perfect." The first few episodes certainly were, but it rapidly went downhill in the second half, for me. I'll still check out this new season, though.

I love the idea (probably false) that every German schoolkid just knows Kraftwerk songs by heart, kind of like British/American schoolkids with the Beatles/Beach Boys or something.

I already talked about this a bit above, but I loved the soundtrack while also finding it a bit distracting. Disasterpiece had one of the best video game soundtracks of all time with Fez, and he kind of brings more of the same here. But hearing those woozy video game synths in a film felt utterly unique to me.

I liked the soundtrack, but being a huge fan of Disasterpiece from the Fez soundtrack, I found it a little distracting too. He actually uses a lot of very similar synth tones/melodies from Fez, and they work a little better in the video game realm than in film.

Yeah, people should definitely see it, especially with the expectation that a lot of people like it and a lot don't. I was entertained throughout, but came out with pretty mixed feelings. To me, it's a B or C movie, but still one that horror fans should watch.

Yeah, the naked man on the roof was probably the most disturbing image. I found a lot of the other "it" appearances kind of goofy, especially the girl pissing herself. The biggest jump scare for me was actually the ball hitting the bathroom window when she's in there checking herself out. Good sound design.

Is Goodnight Mommy out already? I was pretty psyched after seeing the trailer here, but hadn't heard anything else about it since then.

Finally got around to seeing It Follows… yep, the hype kind of kills it. If it was a movie I saw out of the blue with no expectations (as happened with Ginger Snaps, for example), I probably would have loved it. But expecting it to be this GREAT new horror film put too much of a burden on it. Definitely well-shot and

Muppet Face in particular has always scared the shit out of me…something about those distorted voices in the background.

"Not perfect but it stays with you"
-David Lynch's entire oeuvre

Yeah jeez I had nightmares about poor Rick Moranis outside that restaurant. Looking back, I can't believe what a fucking sissy I was.

This is a good order. I probably went BV—>MD—>everything else, but probably should have seen Twin Peaks much much sooner.

Yeah I'm with you. Full disclosure: I think the Bond series is incredibly stupid, and I checked out in the Pierce Brosnan years, because after about two-dozen films, I had seen quite enough of the character/plots thank you very much.

Yeah, good point. I'm not a big found footage fan, but I think they could have cut SOMEthing on here to make room for one of those. (My gut says to go with 28 Weeks Later, but there are a lot of films on here I haven't seen.)

I would think the answer to that would be pretty self evident…

Evil De4D

On first listen, this album is reaaaally doing it for me. Maybe it gets a bit tiresome over time (it is pretty damn dense and unrelenting), but… just all the textures and the rhythm. This feels exactly like the late night headphones album I've been waiting for.

You're probably right about Clinton v Rubio, but even still.. .the political discussion in this country is getting more ignorant, more hateful, and more destructive with every single election cycle. These "smoke and mirrors" seem to have the effect of turning our country very slowly into an Idiocracy.

Yeah, I feel the same way… don't care much about Jobs or Zuckerberg as film subjects. But if the talent behind the camera is good enough, I'll see it. This was a really well-done review and has me intrigued.

I always thought Ashton Kutcher was born to play this role…