reformed calvinist

Kind of like a good post-boss Dark Souls bonfire. Actually, RE4 is a solid precursor to the Souls series (can't remember when Demon Souls came out, but I'm pretty sure it was after). I can't think of any other game that filled me with the same amount of dread.

Yeah, I give RE4 a pass for its QTEs. Definitely not the first game to use them, but one that did it really well before they started showing up in every game. Really absolutely hate them in games now, though.

I just now realized that "Edyth" is probably pronounced like Edith. I was saying "ed-EETH" in my head.

I play the guitar (poorly), but still like these games. It can get a bit weird when you come up against a song you actually know how to play, because the finger movement are way different. For the most part, though, drums and vocals in these games have eclipsed guitar for me.

To my eyes, this one actually looks pretty good compared to something like Lucky Town. I don't understand the 90s obsession with stretching fonts vertically. It just looks like complete garbage and it's on like half of the albums from the decade.

Same here. Haven't yet understood his appeal, but maybe I'm not trying hard enough, because I like a lot of other long-career songwriters like Waits, Cohen, Nick Cave, etc.

Monkberry Moon Delight basically inspired the entire career of Man Man, I think. I didn't even hear until after I'd heard a few of their albums, and it blew my mind.

Well the song was probably inspired by Devo, right? Their first album came out 2 years before that.

Darjeeling kind of made me lose my faith in Anderson, and then Fantastic Mr Fox (which yes, I know, literally everyone else but me in the world loved) killed it for good.

I remember getting flamed by fellow high school classmates when I predicted that the prequels "wouldn't be as good as the originals." Yep, they all started calling me Mr. Nostradamus after that one….

"U.S. adults ages 18 and older."

Yes, Remains of the Day is absolutely amazing. I bailed on Age of Innocence too, but should probably give it a shot at some point.

I'm the opposite, partially due to nausea induced by some First Person perspectives. But I really like the feel of a good third person game, where I can see my character moving in the world. Dark Souls, Witcher series, Skyrim (in 3rd person mode of course), Dragon Age series, etc.

Exactly how I feel about the show… a lot of the episodes were conceptually interesting, but didn't have enough character to really resonate with me. EXCEPT Be Right Back, which I thought was fantastic.

I'm curious to check these guys out, but I don't want to also listen to Sam Smith, Lorde, etc in the process… so I guess I'm better off with the last album?

It's the anniversary of this "Team Hooman" project, not her fanbase as a whole.

Well, if you make your living by appearing on the internet, it does tend to become serious business….

I'm almost certain that Trump is being paraded out so much (by SOME shadowy entity) to either a) help the more moderate GOP candidates look more palatable or b) to make the entire right-wing look so absurd that all the swing-states go blue.

At this point, I'm assuming Jeb or Rubio will be the eventual front-runners, and I'm a bit scared tbh to learn much about their policies. But they've at least made less headlines about being wacko uber-conservatives.

The most memorable part of Heroes S3-4 is when Claire leaves her Nissan Rogue unlocked and then it gets stolen and then HRG chastises her for not locking up her valuable Nissan Rogue. And then there is a carnival season.