reformed calvinist

Bring back Hiro or GTFO, Heroes Reborn.

You know a show is on the right track if you introduce cool shit like time travel and alternate timelines and then spend an entire season in a carnival.

Yeah, were people really asking for an Office-style Muppets show?

In my world, "adult" movies means stuff like My Dinner with Andre.

In the future, we will all wear coordinated polyforms.

[Don't know if Spoiler tags are needed this far out, but just in case… SPOILER!]

And it's also a 4th wall breaking moment, because the painting is of Scorsese, and that's his mom, who actually painted it. Freaking genius scene.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the last Smith season… is the Capaldi season worth watching? I saw the first few episodes, and agree she worked better with Capaldi than Smith, but I'm not sure I have the interest anymore in Moffet's plotting or pace.

Well to be fair, the music reviews here have declined quite a bit in the last few years.

Yeah, I feel that way about TVotR (really respect them, but can't get into them except for the songs you mentioned) and music in general lately. Turning 33 this month, and I just don't like much of anything anymore. I listen to a lot of chillout electronica and some old bands out of nostalgia, but nothing really grips

I know right? This list makes it seem like there's a good dozen shows I'm supposed to be watching this fall, which is frankly too much. Give me some stuff I can sneer at while intentionally not watching, at least.

Oh god wow… just the title, and the first sentence. I couldn't even read the rest. And if that's what passes for criticism on the internet in this day and age, good on Franzen for writing a 500 page book hating on the internet.

Seeing him in that screenshot, I was like "oh maybe I should watch this new show!" But the D+ it scares me!

JK Rowling: "It's not Levio-SAA, it's Levi-O-sa!"


Yeah, Devotion and their Self Titled really hit the spot for me, with this one coming in third.

This one ranks up with their first two albums for me. Scaling back their sound returns them to the more pure expression of those albums, whereas the last two albums seemed to dilute it a bit with the commercial gloss they were going for.

I don't know why this isn't in more songs. Do the CD singles contain a fold-out instructional diagram or something?

Yep that was me, junior year of high school, sitting in the high school library with my headphones and discman.

Wow…I would play the shit out of that game.