reformed calvinist

Damn punners can't keep them puns out of our respectable snarky threads.

Maybe for like 17 days, but no more.

Yeah I feel you. I played MTG when the first sets came out and I was a freshman in high school, then sold all my cards in college and pursued other hobbies. Re-discovering it in my 30s, I couldn't believe that the game is going stronger than ever. And it is really a blast to play, especially in limited formats.

Have you been to a pre-release event at least? These are held at local card shops when each new set comes out and are really casual friendly (but with prizes).

Yes, the original MTG computer game was so good! And you could play with extremely OP cards from the early sets. The new Magic Duels games kind of mimic that old style, but don't quite have the same charm (loved the dungeons and overworld navigation too).

So I haven't played this new "free" version of Magic Duels, but in the past these games let you play campaigns vs the AI and also match against human players. You typically start with a pre-made deck that you then have some ability to customize (this was more limited in the past, but in Duels 2015 you could build

Yeah it's not a terriblly difficult game, the basic rules at least. Where it gets tricky is the sheer amount of different interactions that can happen between the cards. Very fun to play casually though.

Is that from the Leonard Pierce review or something?

I came here to see the Bass Cannon, I left disappointed.

This is actually a really good list, aside from some remnants of oscar bait still, like Gump etc. Also, Eyes Wide Shut? But it has good representation from Kubrick, Lynch, Scorsese, etc. Also, freaking Groundhog Day is on the list. Awesome!

I'm kind of in the same boat. Been meaning to read the book for ages, but haven't gotten around to it. I think I might check out the series first… I usually get mad when I watch book adaptations of things I've read, because of how much they have to cut out. Still haven't seen Cloud Atlas, for example.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I find Let It Happen pretty exhausting, especially now that I've listened to it so many times. The 5 minute jam at the end doesn't really do that much for me, especially on an album opener. So I'm liking your tip for repeat listens.

Past Life feels like a really bad M83 song to me. You can make spoken word verses work (as M83 do), but you really need the right vocalist. Ie, not just your lead singer pitch shifted down.

Yeah that Less I Know the Better bass line is so good. Have mixed feelings on the album as a whole…some real standouts, but a pretty weak 2nd half. And as the review comments, a bit too much homogeneity in the production style, singing, and instrumentation.

He certainly looks like Justin Bieber in the lead graphic. With that said, though, the panels from the comic actually look pretty good.

YOURE too heavy-handed and judgmental for my liking!

Not a fan of this Vinyl-only nonsense, but I'll (try to) listen to anything these guys make. They should also try to rope in the Walkmen drummer, because he's awesome too.

Never saw the first, but hoo boy did the the 2nd offend me on an artistic level. Which I then proudly proclaimed to the children I was watching it with.

8 year old me liked it the best of the 80s Star Trek films. I think because it had more Klingons than ST II.

He spoiled Star Trek II so bad that he managed to even spoil the unreleased Star Trek III as well.