reformed calvinist

The puzzles are intentionally very easy, because it's a game that's more interested in story and world than anything else. Also, I think the control scheme would be a nightmare with some actually difficult puzzles.

Yeah… stupid me didn't have the game spoiled either, and I kept waiting for the older brother to get magically resurrected. I thought it was silly that they were making me bury him if he was just going to come back anyway…. *tears up again*

The only comparable game I can think of is Walking Dead season 1 (SPOILERS!!) where you're struggling to not become a zombie by mashing one of the buttons, but you know it's going to be futile anyway.

There's also that part earlier in the game where you have to soak yourself in blood to get past an evil tribe that sacrifices people. And navigate the giant corpses. The game is a fairy tale in the very traditional mold—complete with the brutality found in those Hans Christian Andersen et al stories.

Woo for a 2.3!

I have the Dark Soul achievement in DS1 but not yet DS2. Getting all these spells really is a pain in the ass. Currently doing sunbro co-op to get that Miracle, but I waited so long…at 6m soul memory now, so it's hard to find partners other than vs Watchers/Nashandra/Aldia.

It's a game I hadn't really heard of, but now I MUST HAVE (when it's on sale, of course).

If you're talking about the 60 fps durability bug in DS2, I think they did just patch that recently (well, in SOTFS at any rate). But yeah, I can't blame you for being a little disappointed. Bloodborne sure looks cool (no PS4 here though), but I'm really holding out hope for DS3.

I don't think I ever played any of the COD games sober. I also don't think I ever had a positive K/D ratio. Good times.

Yep, I had written this one off based on the premise… "personified emotions" seemed like it would be a bunch of one-dimensional characters. But… it just worked

My daughters (5 and 7) both loved it, but it definitely seemed like a family movie directed more at adults.

TPAB is great and deserving of all the acclaim, but on a song to song basis, I think I still prefer GKMC. TPAB is a lot more unconventional and artistically inventive, but GKMC to me is ultimately more fun and listenable. It takes his deep lyrics and also has some great beats behind it to propel everything.

This was the kind of show we would never be allowed to watch at home (or maybe it was on cable, which we adamantly didn't have). So it was reserved for summertime marathons at my grandmas. So much great nostalgia.

The production values were a lot higher when I watched the show than they are in these clips. Definitely remember the Eliminator being the centerpiece event.

Yeah, if you watched this show as a kid and DIDN'T try to recreate half of the contests, you were definitely doing it wrong.

Make a 7 part novel out of this story! My eyes almost started watering too just reading this.

So the main character is not actually a robot, right? Because that would be pretty cheesy…

Correct pronunciation is "Dead Maufth." That's what I think I heard some kids say while they were GETTING OFF MY LAWN.

This guy gets it.

"Just in time for father's day" is a bit misleading…the contest doesn't even end til after Father's Day.