reformed calvinist

I'm pretty uncautiously optimistic about DS3. Everything I've heard about it so far says that they've listened to fans' criticism of DS2 (which was still a good game) and really have a chance to knock it out of the park here. I get that the aesthetic of these games can be a little same-y, but there's still room for

TD Season 1 wasn't an accident…it had an amazing director, and amazing cast, and an amazing setting. I guess Pizzolatto figured he didn't need any of these to be successful?

Man, what the heck? Screw the Dissolve for kicking him out. He's such a great talent, and will always be welcome here.

I've never seen My Dinner with Andre, and now I probably couldn't without cracking up, thinking about that episode.

Even if I didn't read them every week, the mere existence of The Following reviews made me very happy.

It's not unplayable…i got it on Steam and have replayed it…well, ok not all the way through yet.

Yeah but you can probably buy most of those games back on eBay for pennies now.

Yeah, say what you will about gamer culture, the greed and lackluster creativity of gaming corporations etc etc… I don't see how backwards compatibility can be spun as a bad thing, or the other things Msoft have been doing to save face. I'm not even a console gamer, and I think these are all huge wins for their

Well…. it doesn't look "Garfield" bad, but holy shit I hope those musical choices don't make it into the movie. Just score it with Vince Guaraldi, FFS.

Definitely with you on the summon animation skips…these are actually the reasons I stopped playing jRPGs almost altogether. I remember FF8 being the worst offender.


I have to agree, and I've still generally liked this season. It just felt a little too bleak throughout, in ways that even previous seasons weren't. There was a lot of humor and empathy through S1-3, and I think it all has started curdling ever since the Red Wedding. But I'll still see it through, because by and large

GoT does feel like it has the DNA of the Wire, but I agree that it doesn't quite have the same human element that made the Wire so great. But it's a quality that's hard to find in fantasy in general… you have to sacrifice some stuff for badass dragon action.

I think her expression when she returned to Castle Black really helped convey this though. She looked really pensive and doubtful for probably the first time in the entire series.

I guess I'm pretty ass-backwards in this regard, but I've always found Cersei one of the most likable and sympathetic characters on the show (well, among the "bad guys"). I've been rooting for her against Margarey all this time. So the imprisonment etc was tough to bear, but I'm really excited for Zombie Mountain to

That there was some spiderman shit

I remember that there was a character named manmeet. That's all I need to remember.

Yeah I got pretty emotional at quite a few points in the episode. It really felt like things are changing forever, and it was painful but also kind of nice to feel this while the characters were feeling it too. Getting kind of sad just typing this

Yep same here. I didn't understand the technology that let them track what channel your TV was tuned to, but I trusted it.

Yeah, this episode nailed it. This was the perfect series finale for the show. I kind of wanted them to fulfill the and a movie bit before, but now I'm kind of at peace.