reformed calvinist

So wait, Nabin is back? I'm so confused… WHAT HAVE I MISSED?

Well it doesn't help that the twist in Usual Suspects completely negates the reality of the entire movie that preceded it. It's a movie I'm still kind of bitter about, having rewatched it recently.

Really? I think it has a pretty cool early-90s aesthetic, though admittedly not as iconic as their next two records. Beats, Rhymes & Life, though, is a real eyesore.

I really like the Strawberry Jam cover. Great representation of the mess that is their music sometimes.

Beatles basically get a free pass for everything in my book.

Yep, as CrabNaga said, the Dragon guys are not supposed to get aggro'd unless you did something wrong (attacked them, or ran past the knights). Dragon Shrine is actually one of the easier sections of the game :)

Same here… I played LOL and HOTS and invested a decent amount of time in each. But ultimately, it felt too stressful. I can get the same feeling of competitiveness by playing Hearthstone in a more relaxed environment, so I've been sticking to that for my multiplayer gaming. Guess I'm getting old and casual?

I've had the same problem with SC2: HOTS, having gone back to it several times and still haven't beat it. I really want to see how the story ends, but some of the later missions just get exhausting. I also appreciate how they tried to make the progression feel more rewarding with Kerrigan level ups/mutations etc, but

Yep, I remember them always being like this, even back to the original Command and Conquer and Age of Empires. It's a shame that RTS AI is so hard to get right, because I love the single-player base-building aspects of these games so much more than the multiplayer.

That was the problem I had with DA:O. I was just figuring out how to get my character to be a badass by playing through the Origin part, then I suddenly had a whole different party of people to control, all with a heap of different abilities… AND I had to choose between them, as if I really knew their abilities apart

I hate how much Cross has been dumped upon… sure, it was a much different game than Trigger, but I really loved it.

Oh god, if it's anything like the FF 8/9 card games, I could be in for some trouble.

Agreed about the middle… I love to see how the story develops to keep you involved during the meat of the gameplay. And quite frankly, how many of us make it to the end of some of these massive games (ahem, Skyrim)?

I've been playing the Witcher 1 this past week, trying to work my way through the series so I can get the new one. And I have to say, I'm loving how CLOSED the world is so far. I just beat the first chapter, which involved mostly running around a single village, clearing out batches of creatures, talking to everyone

Have fun with Dark Souls. Even after 130 hrs and 100% completion, I find myself wanting more. Also, in your first playthrough, feel free to cheese the fuck out of everything. Then go back and do it the hard way in subsequent playthroughs.

Yeah, not doing at least ONE drop attack is just making things harder on yourself than need be. I think I dropped on him like twice and then finished him off with a single attack. Yeah, I was a wimp in my first playthrough. I also beat Gargoyles with Solaire doing most of the work, and O&S with a super helpful co-oper.

I actually watched this as a kid when it aired….and I remember nothing beyond the title. Actually, I'm amazed that Fillion was in this. I either stopped before he came aboard, or more likely, had no freaking clue who he was at the time.

Yeah the Bespin duel has to be the gold standard for the entire SW trilogies (and maybe sci-fi action scenes in general). Not only is it positively oozing atmosphere, but the different stages of the fight, the way Vader goes from toying with luke (one hand) to full-on hellbent to tear him apart mode, etc etc… it just

I loved the tag on this one. Some of the tags have felt a little too off-brand and long for me, but this one nailed it. Especially loved the shots of Harmon in the writers room, looking like an evil dictator.

The build-up/reveal of Meemaw as the same person was one of the biggest laughs for me this season, up there with Jeff shooting the guy on crutches in the face. The back half of this season has been really doing it for me.