reformed calvinist

Good luck with Issac! I've put it down for the time being, after getting about 70% achievements. I think to progress much further I'd need to literally sell my soul to the game.

I dunno…. the showrunners have been so consistent thus far. I have a hard time imagining them letting the show get out of hand. BUT this is spoken as someone who hasn't read books 4 and 5, which are reportedly a little bit wonky.

2016? He'd better hope people still remember what he's spoofing by then…

The 4th anniversary of never forgetting.

Same here… I think I have a decent sense of rhythm, but I have trouble managing the multiple enemies swarming around you, and also the constraints of the level time limits. I wish the game was a little more forgiving with your health/enemy damage, but I guess they wanted to keep the traditional roguelike difficulty

I really wasn't a fan of Circuital, but I should probably give it a few more listens. I'd say the new one is a good pick up, though it is a bit more mellow/soft rock than Z or It Still Moves. Tennessee Fire and At Dawn are great for their country rock vibe.

Can we take a moment to appreciate how amazing the soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky is? I didn't think it would be possible for him to top the stuff he did for Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac, but these tracks are AMAZING.

Yeah… the first world is a lot of fun, but prepare to get wrecked like crazy from world 2 onward. I only beat that with the Bard (basically a turn-based character). And then couldn't even get anywhere in world 3 even using him.

wow…that is game-altering. Thanks!

Less punishing?

Adventure Time is truly in the same league as golden age Simpsons. The creativity is just bursting at the seams in almost every episode.

Kids freaking love adventure time. They don't have to understand the higher conceptual stuff, because there's plenty of just basic goofiness. My 5 and 7 year olds have loved it for years and actually got ME to start watching it.

Holy shit. Obviously this would never get made, but pleaaase?

I think the idiocy of adventure games in general is what killed adventure games. Myst/Riven were legitimately good games, and required a lot more clever puzzle solving than traditional "adventure game logic."

I think I had both of these reactions within a minute of hearing this news.

Fake-out deaths are my least favorite trope in any movie ever fhgasdjfg. It was one of my big beefs with the LOTR series. It was like "Come on! Frodo isn't going to die halfway through Fellowship, cut out this slo-mo nonsense!" and then again with Aragorn, and probably some other characters I'm forgetting.

I think it's cool that they're trying to work with a broader canvas. But if your "shared universe" contains a bunch of stories with the exact same plot beats, and is constantly on the verge of total annihilation in every single movie, it gets exhausting.

Haven't seen it, or the last wave of Marvel movies since the last Avengers. I'm gettin too old for this shit

I still love the sound of their first 2-3 albums better than anything that has come since, but there's no denying that the songwriting here and on Z is probably their best.

I was expecting (hoping?) that this would feel like Red Dwarf, but to be honest, other than them both being sci-fi, they feel a lot different. This reminds me more of The Office meets Farscape. I don't really have that crushing sense of loneliness that you get from RD, mostly because the crew is so (comparatively)