reformed calvinist

Yeah…if anything, GoT has been REsensitizing me to violence.

Yeah…I've probably seen all of these movies, and I don't recognize a single poster. I guess the one with a bite mark is supposed to be Jaws, but it might as well be Cannibal Holocaust or something.

I'm up voting your verbal downvote. Same thing, in the cosmic scheme of things, right?

I know right? Av club editors really dropped the ball here with their Everclear ignorance. I think Father of Mine was probably their 3rd or 4th big hit, at least here on the west coast.

Pretty much this for me too, though I didn't much care for Get Behind Me Satan.

Eh… I didn't like them. But I didn't like a lot of things about RotK, so maybe I'm a bit of a curmudgeon.

This episode felt like Centurion 2 in a lot of ways. Pretty great action throughout, somewhat bland characters. Overall, lots of fun.

The expert reviews are to talk about the show from a book reader perspective. TVDW does an amazing job of segmenting the spoilers, so you can read his review and probably not be spoiled at all, if you avoid his spoiler section.

Every time Sam's friend shot the crossbow, I was like "do you even know who you're shooting?!" At least the cannibal guys were easy to spot, because of their facial scars.

The mammoths…I know it's been a decade or so since ROTK, but THIS is how they fucking should have looked. Amazing what GoT can accomplish on a TV budget.

I think it's pretty difficult to compare the two, just as its difficult to compare The Wire to the Sopranos. Actually, becsuse of their heavy serialization and focus on world-building, GoT and The Wire might have the most in common. In which case, The Wire is still #1 for me… But they are both great

Counterargument: My Humps.

Yeah I think it kind of ruined the show as well. Its a really cool idea on paper, but it also kind of lazily discarded all the brewing conflicts and then replaced them with whole new problems, which were then resolved within a few episodes anyway.

That was an excerpt from Leonard Pierce's review of season 5 actually.

Too soon…..sigh

Yeah that's how I interpreted it as well. Such a great speech though… works on a lot of different metaphorical levels, and perfectly delivered, as always, by Dinklage.

The only bright spot in this episode was Grey Worm's budding love for Daenerys' maid…which he can't even consummate anyway. Yeah, it basically stomped my heart out as well.

I laughed too…and then my laughing actually kind of turned to sobbing, even though I didn't care all that much about Oberyn as a character. That was just fucking brutal though.

I don't hate the players, I hate the game.

Yep that's my experience too. Played the crap out of Twilight princess, then the Wii became a very expensive Netflix player. I'm fully PC now. If Nintendo comes out with any must play titles, I'll probably just emulate them a few years down the road.