reformed calvinist

I'd say those two albums are better than anything Post-OKC, except for maybe In Rainbows. Kid A I like a lot, but it feels like 2/3 of a great album, without a lot of skippable filler.

I have such a like-hate relationship with BSG. I loved the pilot, then hated almost every episode of season 1 after that and gave up. Then I went back to it again, and actually enjoyed most of that season, and really liked episodes like Pegasus. Then the S2 finale business happened, and I pretty much rage quitted the

Haven't seen Frozen, but the song is annoying as all fuck, especially if you have kids that sing ONLY THOSE THREE WORDS over and over and over again.

Well, that's the plan for Firefly at least, ……right?

So Cannes is basically the Armond White of festivals? Got it.

Yes but some of us have been watching and rewatching parts of that movie for years now. To think that we might actually get some variety!

The combat, for me, was a tiny bit repetitive. And a lot of the weapons and powerups were sub-par, so I mostly constrained myself to a familiar set. With that said though, one of the weapons I had written off (the mortar), I later found to be one of the best weapons in the game, and used it heavily on my second

Not cool, man. Those dragons aren't able to give their consent, you know.

Agreed… I was pretty lukewarm on this episode as a whole, but that Oberyn/Tyrion scene was one of my favorites this season. As usual, GoT makes two people talking about something that happened in the past completely riveting.

People who take vacations don't deserve to see Game of Thrones when it airs! Arrghsadklasd

I actually cancelled at that point. They split the services at a time when their streaming library had become very stagnant. I ended up going with Prime because it was half price for students. The library isn't the best, but I've mostly been happy since.

I liked it too… better than the goggins episode, tbh. I also liked basic story.

I just assume every meat hannibal serves is people, at this point. Also, yay for commenting from the future!

I'm seriously so sad right now, that I don't even have the heart to post a "my emotions" quote…. and I didn't even like S5 that much…. I just really want a better ending.

I almost clicked that article, hoping it would explain to me what a penny dreadful actually is. Then I thought better of it.

Actually, according to sites like meta critic, a B- scores in the 60-70 range. Weird, huh?

I think it was about midway through season 1 that I realized all the best scenes in this show are just two people talking to each other. BUT there are also really good scenes where dragons burn peoples faces off. So it's a "have your cake and eat it too" kinda show is what I'm trying to say.

Really loved her direction both last week and this. Despite Erik's grades, I enjoyed last week's a lot more. But the entire scene with the Hound and Arya was just beautiful shot and staged.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I think you forgot to punctuate with a hashtag or something.

That sounded totally normal to me, until I realized that I was like 14 when it came out. But it sure FELT like I was in third grade, then.