reformed calvinist

Agreed… the TV catalog had gotten pretty robust. Movies are waaay more hit or miss, though being on a Von Trier kick lately, I was delighted to find both Melancholia and Dogville on there.

It certainly is the better deal if you order a lot of stuff from Amazon. I've been a prime only guy for awhile, but the spotty selection does make it tough to find things to watch sometimes. They actually got a sweet FX deal recently too, which added tons of Archer. Louie, and Sunny seasons.

Eh, I thought Frankenweenie was decent for a kids film. At any rate, my kids liked it. And I thought Big Fish was pretty ok.

This was definitely the best hate song since….well, ever. The fact that Coogan picked such an innocuous forgotten song, and then really railed against it with such intense, well-articulated hatred…made a good read. Plus, Coogan has surprisingly great taste.

Creepy? Maybe. But man, that's a good fucking short story.

Kinda agree...reading this headline made me think, "oh, someone beat Sig's record?"

Exploiting glitches isn't cheating...Nintendo released a finished product in Mario 64. Any glitches that they didn't code out are officially part of the game. Speedrunners like Sig just are playing the game on a much deeper level.

The card voiceovers and effects are seriously my favorite part of this game. When I stopped playing for several months, I kept having stuff like "youyouyou gotta be kidding me!" and "whhhyy do you call?" stuck in my head...and that's actually what brought me back to the game. Just the other day, I heard Leeroy's death

I also hate playing against other people....but I'm also addicted to this game and can't stop playing. Can be a bit frustrating sometimes :/

Its a greatest hits album that then can have a companion greatest hits culled from only the two releases before and after. What a fertile time

Eh I still really like that museum scene. 8 year old me watched that movie so many freaking times, that I am now incapable of recognizing any flaws in it.

I really loved last week too… a lot of people seem down on it (and GI Jeff, which I also loved), but I don't really understand why. The first half, where absolutely nothing stubbornly refuses to happen, is pure genius.

Episode: C
Season: B+

Yeah this us my ranking exactly. *high five*

Nope not the only one… I loved it. I think season 5 has been more or less at S3's level. A step below the magnificence of S1 and 2, but still pretty solid.

The Wire is too wide in scope to have one or even several protagonists, but McNulty, Omar, Dangelo, Lester, bubbles, or Daniels all fit that role at certain points.

Yeah definitely sounds like a C from the review. I'll probably check it out regardless.. being on FX, it sounds more akin to Justified than True Detective, which is all good in my book.

So you have basically become Britta in a weird case of life imitating art imitating life.

That level is complete bullshit. I really have nothing else to add.

Yeah, I……need this.