reformed calvinist

Yeah that one took a serious amount of work. Plus its a really great fucking album.

Not abandoned but... when I was a kid, I visited the Pacific Place Mall in Seattle and was blown away by how the architecture would be perfect for an FPS game. So when I got home, I immediately set to work making a level based on it in Jedi Knight (the only FPS game I played haha). Such a blast to make, and I still

I know right.. can we please stop punnily naming fan bases? Its gotten to the point where I no longer want to be a fan of anything.

Agreed on that one too.. loved the first WD game, have no desire to play season 2, especially as a character I already invested SO much emotion into trying to save. If they insisted on bringing her back as the player character, they should have at least jumped forward 5-10 years, maybe implying she'd had an OK life in

Ah.. perfect choice! Especially considering that ####SPOILERS****** bastion kind of is its own sequel. And prequel?

Good point.. they really should have diversified the series instead of just making C&C and Red Alert sequels ad nauseum

I was so anti- Start Menu apps on principle. Then I just got one and am so much happier.

I honestly don't know if I have 8 or 8.1 at this point…because Windows 8 has made me hate my computer so much, that I don't even know or want to know how look into any of the back end stuff. Just let me run my programs, and I'll try to forget that you exist, operating system from hell.

I do genuinely kind of hate Smells Like Teen Spirit…maybe I should write that article!

Get the Harmy despecialized editions. As a father, I can proudly say that my daughters know nothing about the special edition CGI or the Prequels, and hopefully will stay that way until they are 18.

I for one have no idea what it means, though I'm guessing its the opposite of trans. At any rate, it has been showing up on the internet remarkably often of late, so I agree with everything you said.

Agreed… the show is very good in S1, but I think it gets great in 4 and 5

I really hope they keep the same music for S2. Obviously the images will have to change, but that song and that edit of it is just perfect.

Its almost as if were making it worse by commenting on articles that report on trending twitter controversies… doh.

I think we can all agree that twitter is worse than Hitler, or whatever his asian equivilant would be.

Yeah same here… then again, I have systematically unfollowed every single extended family member in my FB feed.

People defend 6 not because its great, but because it isn't quite as terrible as its reputation. I think S1 is a little over praised. It did a great job of establishing the characters and mystery, but there are a lot of bad moments and aimlessness. A lot of time spent on Kate's toy plane or boring characters like

Agree strongly with everything but your S6 assessment. The first three seasons really suffered from having to pad out 20+ episodes. 4 and 5 were much tighter and more satisfying.

I remember being a bit disappointed by Cough. But the debut and their live shows were absolutely killer.

It absolutely does hold up. Great album.