reformed calvinist

he had a really good run in the few years around Drive. People knew him from the Notebook, and then he had a bunch of unglamorous and diverse roles in this, Half Nelson, Lars, and Blue Valentines.

Agree with you about The Chase… it is a damned lot of fun, and it has the great farewell in the last episode.

I remember this two-parter being bandied about for a long time as "worst nu-who episode ever." But time has really been a lot kinder to it than L&M or Fear Her. Heck, as two parters go, I'd say this is slightly more tolerable than the S4 Sontaran one. Granted I haven't seen it in a few years though…

Dean Pelton just absolutely owned this episode.

B. It was pretty dang funny, but couldn't escape the shadow of the infinitely superior original.

eh I've seen Manhattan recently and kind of agree.

I'm pretty sure that the suits at Disney driving these movies have no idea what canon or extended universe mean.

The CGI snark really sticks out like a sore thumb.

From what I remember of the show, antiquated phrases like that aren't too uncommon. Both the writers and the viewers are pretty dang old.

Bummer….I really really wanted this to be good. The last one was pretty great overall, if definitively flawed. I'll probably still watch this for the McKenzie songs, but the prospect of celebrity cameos and cgi action arent making me too eager.

uhh…Lucas-style effects? Be careful what you wish for..

Yeah I would go with Yojimbo/Sanjuro for most fun. There are also a lot of good lesser works like Those Who Step on the Tiger's Tail (or however the fuck its translated) that could be contenders.

Dude, the ewoks movies were fucking rad, and no amount of objective, fact-based reasoning will convince me otherwise

As long as the lost boy that dies first is black, I'm on board

Did you ever see the Heroes carnival season? Carnivals can very damned well be boring!

In japan, I'm also assuming they have baby vending machines. VM technology so advanced.

Yeah he's definitely describing shitty in medis res used constantly the last decade in every action show, like flash forward etc, as opposed to Iliad-style in medias res. They're actually not doing anything clever because the show still has all the boring setup sections, they're just delayed a few minutes so you can

It kind of reminds me of the annie/sexy santa scene. It starts off as a cliche, and then just gets weirder and better as it keeps going.

Yup…i've gotten to the point where Im extremely hesitant to buy things online if it takes more than 2 days to get to me with no extra cost. I don't got time for that sheeeet!

My last rewatch (with my daughters), I was struck by that….that the rebels just lose a major battle, and things get continually worse from there, until our heroes are maimed or freakishly frozen. So unrelentingly dark, when you look at it as a whole. But it doesn't feel purposefully bleak, like a lot of modern