reformed calvinist

I would argue that ANH is a bit of a product of its time and limitations. Very amateur direction and acting, but a pretty darned good story to make up for it. ESB is a completely timeless classic that is enthralling for almost every second of its running time. RotJ is on par with ESB from a technical perspective, but

It certainly seems to be taking some turf from the flying spaghetti monster at the moment.

Yeah, the magic is gone for me. Maybe its the significantly smaller viewer count, or the lack of novelty that the Gen 1 game had.

Agreed… Made was absolutely my favorite movie for awhile, though admittedly I haven't seen it in awhile. I think it really suffered by being compared to Swingers, but the two movies have so little in common, especially in their comic tone.

Yeah I don't get all the 6 and 7 hate. I wouldn't call them high points, but they seemed mostly par for the course on a solid show. 5 seems a bit overrated to me.


Yep, this one was begging to be a two parter. Ah well…

I agree with TVDW in that the episode was a little light on laughs, with a few too many ideas piled on that were underdeveloped…. but I still thought this was one of the best-executed concept episodes in a long time.

Im having trouble restraining my cautious optimism about this whole venture.

Well I sure fucking hope so.

Welp now you've made me want to buy octodad.

As a parent, I've decided to not let my children watch surgeon simulator until they are very old. Because as a 31 year old, I'm not sure I've been adequately prepared for the horror.

Hey I like that movie. But yeah it's bad.

Everyone knows that 12 Years a Slave was the best movie of the year. What this awards show proposes is that maybe it wasn't? —MTV

It sounds about as entertaining and well planned as New Zealandtown, to be honest.

I dunno… this review kind of reads like The People's History of Ancient Greece, a perspective pretty besides the point in a dumb movie like this. Its like reading a review of Armageddon that spends most of the time talking about gender politics. I just want to know if the splosions are any good. I suspect they aren't,

You really need to see more bad movies.

I assume its some kind of urban Bermuda triangle

In a day also featuring Game of Thrones hip hop, this feels more like a "meh" to me.

Yeah clothes stores don't have anything to fear for the time being… fit is just too risky for most people to purchase everything online.