reformed calvinist

From what I remember of the 80s, they were actually semi-useful and competitively priced then. But anytime since, definitely horrible.

Well…most successful poet I've ever heard of. Good on you.

On the contrary, he's very lucky to have received a B. But the lines between good and bad pop music have become so…..blurred lately.

As long as they don't mess up the elegant characterization of the original's Manmeet character.

I'm sure that rebooting firefly would certainly make all the fans happy and not cause any outrage at all.

Damnit Gods and Monsters… you forever spoil my belief that Brendan Fraser is an unredeemable blight on humanity

Agreed… Brokeback was such a devastatingly good film. As someone who feels pretty meh about most of the Best Picture winners, that was one that really deserved the title

Also, "it's OK, I wouldn't remember myself if I met me" (heavily paraphrased)


He Giulianied us for sure.

Yeah, Duncan's decision to be a nice guy felt completely unearned. But whatever…they can only lay so much groundwork in 20 minutes. This is kind of why I hate when they have C plots, though Chang did get a few good laughs in his 2 minutes or so of screentime

Any Community episode with a stronger focus on emotions than laughs gets an automatic A from Todd.

With every episode, the season is looking better and better. I have a feeling the early ones are going to be strong the next time through also.

I hated that episode the first time I saw it. Defffinitely gained much status on the rewatch. The part where Abed describes pooping himself might be one of my biggest laughs in the entire series.

Really.. you would be OK living in a world where The Croods won an Oscar?

Chicken boo was probably my favorite bit on that show. Same joke every time, but god damned if it wasn't hilarious

Too stoned to vote am I right? Weeee

As a teenage Hitchcock fan, I hated MI2 for a long time, because it so obviously ripped off Notorious. Though the hate hate has faded, I don't care enough to revisit. Though the original was good, but the 4th one pretty bland.

Doing more C&H would be a colossal mistake. If he started a different strip though, I'd read the shit out if it.

That song is the perfect anthem for anyone who has few friends and has ever experienced the painful awkwardness of being out by yourself. Also, Amy Adams has some great moves