reformed calvinist

Yeah I cry every time with that one.

I really like Me Party as well. And the Kermit song towards the beginning, though I don't think McKenzie wrote that one

That sounds like the entire script of a forthcoming Sandler film.

Agreed about MGTO… I could not handle the UI. I think I was spoiled a bit by the recent Duels of the Planes walkers releases, but as snazzy as they are, they can't accommodate all the complexities if competitive MTG.

HS was deliberately designed though to be easier to pick up and play than Magic. It definitely lacks the nuance of MTG, but for me it's about as fun to play.

Wow… I did not know this. I really have to read patch notes more carefully

I just read about the next wave of expansion….which apparently is going to Portland but NOT Seattle, where I am. WTF google… must you eternally tease me

I care. Comcast seems to being going out of its way lately to become capital E EVIL. Which doesn't affect me directly, since I wisened to their game long ago and have been much happier elsewhere. But I don't like what it bodes for the future of internet service. And how their evilness is now affecting actually decent

Considering the limited card pool and mechanics in play at this time, hearthstone really is pretty complex in terms of strategy. I'd love to see how they grow the game, but for now it has a pretty solid foundation. I really like how the arena format is done…you basically get to play with a lot of cards it would take

I've heard that once you read act II of the warrior cats play, you go mad within seconds

Definitely classic. Even ignoring percentages of bad episodes, which classic who is definitely higher in, the lowest lows are all there. Even Fear Her, which is an abysmal episode, is still somewhat competently made at least.

I'm curious to see if anyone can try to defend this ending. It's unusual for fans to be so one-sided about anything in Dr Whol, but I've never seen anyone even tolerate this bit of nonsense.

I'm in the same camp…I love the aesthetic and all the Jack Blackness…but the actual strategy missions are completely unfun to me. Probably because I'm an RTS gamer.

I think Isaac is more skillful than people give it credit for. A lot of the really OP item combinations require Devil's Room items…the odds of getting which are greatly increased by not taking red heart damage on the boss, for example. Also, very precise bomb/key/money usage in the early levels goes a long way towards

Well, you've made me feel a little better about unlocking the temple shortcut….and nothing else. Haven't even beat Olmec. I think the problem is that I'm horrible at improvisation in real life. So if I hit a tough patch in spelunky, I do the worst thing possible, and instantly die.

There were, however, reviews that got posted to Metacritic. I think that was the single greatest source of incoming trolls. But yeah, people getting butthurt over a review score are generally less annoying than people butthurt over major social issues.

Eh that's a mighty big assumption. There's got to be some third Paul Anderson somewhere in this world with better directing skills than this guy

Psssh you kids have it easy these days. Wasn't that long ago that you didn't have to register at ALL to comment. Imagine the flood of douchey comments you could get. But then again, the internet was a kindler, gentler place in those halcyon days….

I would sat just check out Freedom of Choice and go forward from there. Great record, though I prefer their debut personally

I actually rank 3 or 4 the highest. 4 generally has the best cast, and McInnery is much funnier to me as Darling than Percy. 2 has great moments, but I don't really like the queen, and hate flash heart's appearance. Ive always liked 1 more than most also. But yeah, all great stuff.