reformed calvinist

Thin Blue Line isn't THAT bad imo… though definitely not anywhere near the league of Blackadder or Bean.

Siddartha, Demian, and Steppenwolf are all great.

The owls are not what they seem…

Its definitely impossible to watch in large spans without going mad…. but damn it is a genius experiment and great fun to check in on every day or so.

Great news because a) their first three albums are fantastic and make me happier than almost any music ever and b) you can't listen to them for free through spotify.

I actually think too many shows do this. It kind if ruins the realism for me when they obviously play a song that the writers/Producers like, rather than coldplay or some shit that most people listen to.

She's underrated, sure… but best drummer ever? I dunno. As far as indie rock goes, I'd at least give it to Greg Saunier of Deerhoof.

So is the money the thing that's hard to kill? And is easy money somehow harder to kill than hard-earned money (which is ironically, easy to kill)? This title hurts my brain.

This review IS a travesty. I had to come back, a year in the future, to complain. As someone who lost interest in Deerhoof for a bit around the time of Offend Maggie, I have to say that this latest album is absolute tits. Deerhoof vs Evil is actually pretty great as well. Both are somewhat departures from their

This review IS a travesty. I had to come back, a year in the future, to complain. As someone who lost interest in Deerhoof for a bit around the time of Offend Maggie, I have to say that this latest album is absolute tits. Deerhoof vs Evil is actually pretty great as well. Both are somewhat departures from their

I hear ya. Even the City kits they have now are mostly vehicles. It's hard to actually make much in the way of buildings. The sets keep getting smaller, with more and more focus on minifigs and oddly specific pieces you can't really use when mixing and matching sets.

Well, your burning hatred of Todd may have ruined any future FNL viewings, I'm sad to say. I guess my Breaking Bad experience was ruined by not being able to hate Todd sufficiently.

My favorite use of journalists is in Battlestar Galactica, where they make up apparently 10% of the population. And apparently still exist, that far in the future.

I dunno…the Cybermen may have been misused, but this two parter looks pretty solid next to Idiot's Lantern, Fear Her, Love and Monsters, etc etc etc etc. Heck I'd even put it in the top half of Season 2, if only by a hair.

I have never gotten to that point… CK II just refuses to click with me. And I've even tried other strategy series like Total war and couldn't get into it. Only Civ has managed to conquer my heart thus far.

100% agree… but then again, I was a staunch defender of vanilla civ v. Now that I have BNW, those earlier games seem primitive by comparison. They did a fantastic job of making each victory condition feel unique.

I….. actually kind of agree. The new format makes it so much more of a slog. Following classic shows I had previously subscribed to… seeing notifications… actually staying logged in… having to use user threads to rate things. Everything is worse

Agreed on S4 of lost.. it felt like a breath of fresh air after the very lengthy first three seasons. The writers strike was actually kind of a blessing, because 12 or so episodes are much better to manage than 20+ that the networks usually do. In S3's defense though, it got really good at the end.

I'll probably draw a lot of hate for this.. but I'm midway through season 1 of VM and finding it a chore. Some of the episodes are really strong, but all the high school stuff is so irritating (especially the ep with the purity test). I just wish they'd focus more on the central mystery.

He was in control so briefly though, and the episode where they infiltrate the school and topple him was pretty funny. My big issue were the earlier episodes where he was a security guard… found them so painfully unfunny.