reformed calvinist

I would say that the S3 Christmas episode though is still better than anything in S5 yet (not to mention the other heights like RCT). Still, good stuff so far if you're a fan of the show

I know, right? It spawns movies such as Valentine's Day.

This album splits the difference between their shitty Re/Load sound and their early albums. Its not outright terrible, but its such a big shift towards albums that are terrible, so it gets retroactively hated. That's my take at least.

One of the few PSH movies available on Netflix/Prime… I had been hesitant about it since I'd never heard of it before, but thanks to this I'll give it a go.

I came here expecting a cover of that song. I am disappointed.

I definitely pronounced it like this, out loud, to other people, before learning the error of my way. I truly am the sin-ek-douche.

I think I remember really really liking this movie, but also not understanding what the fuck was going on half the time.

Agreed.. great read. Its always nice to see snapshots of the Esports scene on this site, and Scarlett's story is a good one.

If you want to label nonsensical ramblings as thoughts…. then sure.

I'm with you… Danger Mouse has been consistently good on everything he does. My hesitation with this group is more because of Mercer…he has sounded so bored on every project since the first two shins albums. Even guest vocals he does, like on the Modest Mouse album, bring the tracks down for me. And this is coming

Well in all fairness, ground beef is pretty disgusting.

That casting set the bar so low, that pretty much anything Novak does in this film will look genius.

Great, now I can remember that Ebert is dead and feel sad about that now too. Fuck.

That scene in particular made PSH go from "guy who's pretty entertaining in the things I've seen him in" to "holy shit, he's fucking awesome."

boooo hissss

Your childhood is fine. He's ruining your adulthood.

TMNT became beloved because of that cartoon, not the original comic books. Before then, it was in the realm of grown ass men who liked comics, not children.

Well, at any rate Fat Dog Mendoza has one.

Season 1 is a hairsbreadth below Season 2 for me. Season 2 has the higher highs, but 1 is way more consistently funny. Definitely needs to get more love.
