reformed calvinist

I really enjoyed hearthstone for a few solid weeks. I think the free to play model is totally fair, and blizzard did a wonderful job with all the voices, characters etc. But I agree about the rage too… I'm really disliking pvp-exclusive games as I get older. The luck doesn't bother me so much, as it can be an

I can't even get Dark Souls to run on my PC, so I'm not sure what that says about my geek status. And no, my PC doesn't suck.

I think the sport of football is mostly pretty cool. The ads and professional gloss that they give NFL events turns me off completely though.

I believe it's the biggest event of the year for advertisers, with some intermissions where people bang into each other for laffs.

My nonscientific brain has already concluded that smoking pot legally makes you a much better sports player.

I'm frankly irritated by his not caring enough about me not caring about the Super Bowl to write a verbose article about it. I can only be apathetic so long, damn it!

Hmm… I find people who commit genocide to the be the worst kind of people, personally.

I definitely read that as "range" at first glance, and was intrigued by the idea of Nic Cage having plenty of it.

Either a big fan of the Garfield films, or someone with a personal vendetta. Either way, it's a sad state of affairs.

I've actually only heard it about 3 times total now, including a remixed version…so not yet. But I have to say, I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's a catchy song with some pretty minimal instrumentation. But hardly worth all the acclaim. Still, in the current pop landscape, I guess "pretty decent" sounds like

I think the PS2 could easily win the best console ever award, thanks mainly to the great backwards compatibility and the dvd player.

Moffat-bashing started when he started sucking at running Doctor Who, not when he took over. People still liked him just fine during Who season 5.

I feel about the same…after rewatching the second season, I found Mickey and Jackie especially to be pretty much intolerable. This all comes to head in the Cybermen two-parter, which has some decent moments otherwise.

Every song off Slanted and Enchanted (and most of the B-sides too) could easily be swapped into this headline. Shit was good.

Haven't they been doing this all along?

Gonna have to go with B, and hopefully not take too much flack for it. While a lot of the jokes were funny, I felt like thematically it was too similar to IDF and CC, without bringing much new to the table. I also felt that Goggins was too distracting as a guest, without actually adding much to the episode.

Shouldn't Goodyear just feel obligated to do it at this point, considering all the free publicity he's given them? Not to mention street cred.

eh, I think keyboard is the way to go. I'm actually not sure if I'll use the gamepad support in Rebirth, because I've gotten so used to two hands on the kb.

I felt completely unashamed to always have a wiki open until I memorized all the tarot cards, and most of the items and trinkets. i guess to some this could be considered unfun, but I actually enjoy the constant cross referencing.

BoI has given me such value for my money (and I'm only at 80 hrs!), that I'm prepared to, and even feel obligated to, throw large amounts of money at McMillan, even if this remake sucks.