reformed calvinist

I really enjoyed Repilot. Sure, it was a little plot-heavy, but for me just about everything worked. Except Rob Corddory,,but we DID get to see him beaten with a tie, so it's all good.

I didn't hate it…one of the somewhat salvageable episodes from season 4 imo

I loved Power of Three and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship…so apparently Im the Doctor Who anti-fan. I actually enjoyed the first half of S7 for the most part, but haven't enjoyed any of the 2nd half, save for the 50th special.

Yes, this. 2 parters have always been my favorite. They most closely mimic the classic who 4 episode series.

I was slagging Moffat as much as the next day prior to the 50th special. That episode made me genuinely enjoy Doctor Who for the first time in awhile. But this one felt more par for the course for Moffat.

I have to say… I kind of hate this format. I've read several of these articles and didn't realize they were forming a ranked list until this one. I prefer the one article list like every other medium gets.

I actually haven't seen a single ad for it. I have successfully removed myself from popular culture it seems!

I disagree. Painting is a visual medium. Film combines visuals, audio, and storytelling. A perfect film excels in all three.

I have a feeling that people will feel bad when Avatar 2 comes out. Kind of like when they look back on how much they loved Mambo #5 when it came out.

So is the Iron Patriot pretty much the lovechild of Iron Man and Captain America? Because that's what he is in my fanfic.

I agree that there was a gem buried in season 2's shittiness. The way I see it, the season should have ended after *SPOILERS* Leland's death. Then everything else could have constituted season 3. This would make the shift to different mysteries a little less jarring.

I'm not sure we were watching the sane show in season 1. I felt like they went out of their way to make you feel conflicted about Carrie's paranoia. Her craziness seemed representative of our nation's psyche. On the one hand, we wanted her to stop Brody (if she was right about him), but on the other we were

And does it really count as backlash if people are pointing out that a show had started sucking? When I think of backlash, i think of people being purposefully contrarian against something that has become poplar. Homeland took a noticeable nosedive in quality between seasons 1 and 2.

That scene is so incredible. It seems to go on forever but you can't look away. And I have never heard the soundtrack cranked up so loud in any other film scene. Probably the best representation on film of being in a loud club.

Or at least a movie-length episode, I guess…

Only read like 25% of the Newswire at most. Seriously, how much did you need to know about Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark.

*Slow clap*

Yeah it read like an A- to me, even down to the review title.

That is a nickname I hope never to hear again. *shudder*
