reformed calvinist

You liked the show. It was good. Nothing can ever ruin Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, etc etc*

Yeah this is a troll list….a dozen movies I've never heard of or knew existed, and then BAM! a major blockbuster that sparked divisive opinions.

I think I watched Hook like 20 times in the span of the year after it was released. It was the best movie ever.

This seems to happen with every album that is really big. I can see listening to something too much and getting burnt out, but people need to keep perspective. This album is great.

I only play Duel of the Planeswalkers now. Very low cost way to enjoy the game. And the lack of deck construction can actually be a plus if you don't have a ton of time to invest.

Only one of each card is allowed. I still rue the day sold my kird ape (and all my other 3rd/4th edition cards)

No Arcade Fire on the list… prepare for a shitstorm.

Also said frames expire and become unusable after a week or so.

I wanted more of a discussion on how the offspring/green day sold out and why they suck (or maybe they didn't?) kind of like the Alternative Nation series was. This was more like "these two bands sucked, here's a litany of bands that didn't."

Yeah I wouldn't give him all the credit, since a lot of good shows sprang up on FX all about the same time. But I full agree with your last sentence.

My supermarket constantly plays a jingle called "Take me to tortilla land." It is infinitely better than any music has created or will ever create

That is the most terrible fate I can imagine

Seriously… the down votes are out of control on this article. *gets self down voted*

I saw it pretty recently, and the bad parts are just as bad as I remembered, but the kind of good parts that I liked the first time around are also still good. So on the whole…i dunno. I could honestly get past the farting aliens and shitty effects if there was just a better story here. But the whole melodramatic

You're just asking for some 40-something to come in here and knock you off the lawn. But it shan't be me, as I'm only 31 and also feel unjustifiably old.

I've been watching Twin Peaks before bed lately, and as a grown-ass man, I've become afraid of the dark, particularly after watching Bob-centric episodes. I feel like he's going to pop up from behind the furniture or come running down the hallway and get me.

It's not just you. I love Monty Python, and Cleese in everything else he does. But I couldn't get into Fawlty Towers when I watched it recently. I remember seeing episodes as a kid and thinking they were funny, but this time it was just grating.

Unquiet Dead is one of my favorite RTD era episodes. I like most of the historical-with-aliens episodes they did though, except for the kung fu monks.

Hurt is the 8.5th Doctor. I will continue to call him that long after it has been officially given some other term in the canon.