reformed calvinist

I'm right there with you… I quit watching mid way through 7b. And I was starting to hate this one too,…until Tennant charged out of the Tardis on a horse. From then on, it was all wonderful.

He should have been in this episode somehow, god damnit!

I strongly dislike pagination. But I swear I'm old school in every other respect!

Yeah…i definitely scoffed at the "it looks great!" part. But I have to say, i don't absolutely hate the new mobile version. I wouldn't go so far as to call it great, but I'm not finding it a serious downgrade so far (as opposed to the browser version).

I….really didn't think youtube videos could be that explicit. I guess I'm pretty out of the loop.

Ah yes, that's the one. I stand corrected.

Yeah, they mention that they didn't want to pick a moffat episode for the main one. I agree it's not a good 2-parter…only slightly less bad than the horrid season 3 finale. Waters of Mars would be my 10th doctor pick. Or Impossible Planet/Satan Pit. Or Midnight. Really my favorite is Girl in the Fireplace though.

Definitely keep checking out the older serials. I actually think that many of the first/second doctor stories have aged better than a lot of the other eras. Plus the sleek black and white certainly looks better than some of the garish colors that followed…

I'm totally on the fence. I agree with pretty much all the points both of them made up there. I think both show runners are simultaneously flawed and genius. I can't choose one over the other.

Agree completely. Its not bad until the last 5-10 minutes, which are what most people remember. For me, its not worst episode ever, though it is low tier.

Definitely agree that its the most consistent season. I don't think it had single terrible episode! (Which is really saying a lot for Who.) My only complaint is that it doesn't (for me at least) have a flat out transcendently awesome episode like RTD's seasons did.

I would have to disagree. The old Mario games or maybe duck tales were "normal" difficulty. Super Star Wars and the rest were "total bullshit" difficulty. I recently fired up Super ESB and couldn't beat the first level. Maybe I just suck at life.

…A term that unfortunately has become an oxymoron

Amen.. he is a nerd's nerd. And probably the best singular visionary of weirdness since Cronenberg.

When MtG was brand new, my dad's coworkers son apparently worked for Wizards and was going to hook me up with some cards (but unfortunately didn't follow through)… I can only imagine all the black lotuses, moxes, time walks, and other broken cards I missed out on. *weeps*

If fads span multiple decades then maybe?

Teti's become a fantastic writer sometime in the last couple years. I've been really enjoying the last few articles of his I've read.

I wonder how much screentime he'll get in this movie.. because he has very little personality without the dynamic of his brother

All these lists lack the incredibly essential Muppets Wizard of Oz

Hipsters mostly pine for the olden days of the 1980s