reformed calvinist

The Best Man in Space

Newest first is the way to go, especially if you're coming to an article late (ie more than an hour after it was posted). And the best thing is, no firsties!

Yeah but this site will be compatible with the new line of ipads that only use two colors. But in SUPER HD++ RESOLUTION.

Can we also bring back comment of the week? And make this one of them.

That's exactly what I thought when I first saw it (well except the aliens part). I wonder if they contracted the same "hip" designer.

Yeah…Im confused here. Did they completely axe all the TV club features they just implemented in the last redesign? I can't find any way to get to my list of shows I'm tracking.

Yeah, it's redeemed a bit by being the lead-up to the Parting of the Ways.

All four episodes are pretty dang good. The only reason that Season one isn't considered the best of new who are the farting aliens.. or the reality TV episode.. or the generally low production values. But the good episodes are really good.

This could have potential.. his Fast Car cover is pretty good. One of the first Xiu Xiu songs that clicked with me.

I'll stick with my Bob Sagit filter, thank you very much.

That's a bummer. I saw them at a festival once and the crowd reacted the same way. Except the music was fantastic that time.

Definitely give it a shot. Its the album that began their return to accessibility, even if O'Rourke was still involved

I actually like Sister best as the entry point, possibly because its my favorite album. It's also a bit punchier than DN. So I'd start there and then go chronologically forward through Dirty. Then maybe loop back for Evol or forward to Washing Machine or Murray Street. And definitely going back to Confusion is Sex at

I'm glad dino erotica is finally branching out with gay titles. This one looks pretty juicy, based on the screen cap.

Well, it's been awhile since I've watch the SC2 tournaments, but back then in WoL, Terran was largely absent in the final matches (all ZvZ), so I guess these things go in cycles.

In my world, Peaches was the hit that all their other hits followed. And it was all good.

I think Mysterious Ways is my favorite U2 song. Its one of those songs that reminds me of sitting on my bedroom floor, listening to the radio while I sorted through my baseball cards.

Lucas did not direct the Ewoks movies. He did direct Howard the Duck, the SW prequels, Red Tails, and by many accounts, caused Crystal Skull to be much shittier than it needed to be. He deserves his backlash.

The whole "new" releases game was part of what killed these companies. $4 for a rental of a movie that if you REALLY wanted to see, you would have already in theaters. Plus exorbitant late fees. And then each store would have literally hundreds of copies of shit like Mel Gibson's The Patriot that they wouldn't be able

Hah… I remember that test. Luckily at age 17 just about the only thing I was good at was gaming the system, so I was hired on the spot.