reformed calvinist

Its very good. easy top 5 or 10

*Sees song title containing a hash tag*

So how is this really? I've learned not to trust critics when it comes to Of Montreal.

very well done. only meat boy one I've seen, oddly enough.

Having not seen World War Z, I would still have a hard time believing it's better than NotLD, Day of the Dead, Dead Alive, Return of the Living Dead, Re-Animator, Zombi 2, Shaun of the Dead, or Cemetary Man.

That meme is fucking priceless hahahaha

Yeah....after watching this video, I now feel that the meme is entirely justified. Carry on.

I do not understand this title and I will not respond to it.

exactly…it's like apples and oranges comparing Lost to BBad. Quite frankly, Breaking Bad's finale was much easier to get right. They had so much less to wrap up. I'd have been shocked if Gilligan managed to botch it in any way.

you're just racist against Detroit, aren't you.

I've been a bit bored with this series, but overall they've been doing a decent job. I remember the BBC miniseries versions being pretty cool tho.. especially this one

Well it's not like they're doing anything else these days

Yeah that was pretty cool. I was really worried he was gonna survive the show too

Agree… FNLs finale was perfect for the kind of show it was. The wire's felt a little too cute. Which is not to say I hated it… it just felt too tidy and conventional. I liked the show best when it went for realism rather than the more blatant metaphorical stuff.

Animorphs got robbed. The cynical part of me thinks the BBad one won because it's ending tomorrow.

It boggles my mind how much depth of emotion they were able to bring out of a puppet. That is truly a lost art.

The ewoks are badass midgets in costumes. The gungans are like an army of poochies. Advantage: Ewoks.

Add me: bronzeager. I have like 3 friends, none of which i know :/

From all reports, though (including the AVC's), Spartacus is still really good in the last season?

Yup...came here to post the same thing. Playing both pretty recently (3 or so years ago), Myst was refreshingly easy. I did have to consult a guide once or twice, but otherwise the puzzles fell into place with a bit of exploring and clicking around.