reformed calvinist

Agreed...I'd say that the BEST part about Myst was having to take so many notes. Which is also why I loved Fez so much. I love these games that make you really work towards beating them, and to intrigue you enough to make you want to put in that kind of effort.

Will definitely be buying this once it goes on sale. All the music I've seen from trailers and whatnot sounds fantastic. I'm just .....really really cheap, and have trouble forking over $15 for a game.

Ahem.. are you living in a world where the Mighty Ducks trilogy does not exist?

Can't tell if typo or purposeful exaggeration of apathy.

Perfect opportunity for a big red no squandered by Sean… sigh.

I liked him, but a lot of that was residual goodwill from that amazing opening scene in the pilot.

Dude dragon punched evil Locke. What more do you want??

She was mildly interesting until her big secret turned out to be …gasp! a toy airplane.

yay…Michael C Hall can go back to being good in stuff again

Think there's gonna any cool sex in that show? *giggles nervously *

Its gotten to the point where if a show I like isn't covered by TVDW, I'm disappointed

Hasn't Dexter been on its final season for like three seasons now? Feels that way…

Thought of the Beatles because that song (which I adore) is particularly ripe for a creepy cover version

Agreed… from a storytelling point of view, TV has absolutely eclipsed film. I actually have a hard time watching movies these days because they rarely develop characters or story well enough with only two hour running times. They are basically short stories whereas a TV season is like a novella. And a particularly

I think you're definitely on to something. God bless reality TV for pacifying the brain dead masses

This is definitely the golden age of feeling bad about making Friends references. I expect to see a For Your Consideration on the subject soon…

I never played this game back in the day, and honestly never heard of it until now. -5095340 PC cred points.

I definitely was holding out for a Jack breakdancing flick….so this is a bit of a disappointment.

damnit! beat me to it by 2 hours…only my opening was gonna be "Know what happens to a Thor script that gets struck by Josh Whedon?"

You guys are all waaaay too optimistic about network TV.