reformed calvinist

It is true that real news headlines have increasingly begun to read like Onion headlines.

That was kind of my reaction too...though I really enjoyed it, and thought about it a lot the next day. Breaking Bad isn't a show that really hits me emotionally... I'm not as invested in the characters as much as in say, The Wire, or maybe Mad Men.

I was kind of on the fence about checking this out…but Prince collaboration, whoa. That tips the scales.

I'm not the world's hugest breaking bad fan...I like it when it's good, and tolerate it when it seems aimless. But this episode delivered in fucking spades. There were five seasons worth of culmination to many of these moments, and they did not disappoint in the slightest.

Where there's disco there better damn well be a lot of roller skating

I don't know about DVDs, but HPB is generally the worst for book selling. If I have say a dozen old decent condition classics to sell, HPB will give like .75 to $2 as opposed to independent local stores that'll give $5+

DLC is a competing model, but I don't think it has killed the expansion. Look at SC2 for example, and how many units HOTS has sold. Another example is Civ V...they launched with the core game, and then started releasing new civs piecemeal as DLC. Needless to say, the community freaked out, and 2k/Firaxis changed back

Ooh maybe now we can get a Darth Vader origin story.. oh wait. Doh!

Now playing

Jeopardy has gotten set makeovers on a pretty regular basis. See:

TWO screens? That's practically a multiplex. She only watches films projected on dirty brick alley walls in Williamsburg

"This is some Magical Mystery Tour level non-essentiality" -art critic

Except Harry Potter minus Harry Potter would be a lot LESS mopey and depressing

Nah man… the internet is dead.

That name practically writes its own slash fic

Thunder Force 4 was one of those sneaky games that convinced you it wasn't a sequel by calling itself Lightening Force (sic).

I wonder how much those body pillows cost.... I'm wondering for a friend.

ugh, i'm sad to hear that about their live shows. I saw them tour in support of SDB and it was pretty much the best show I've ever been to.

I never understood the fuss about fox confessor. I like her earlier albums much more

Every time this band gets more accessible, they get less interesting. Most of Six Demon Bag and Rabbit Habits were great though.

agreed...I love the sport of American Football, but find it near-impossible to watch because of the meathead commentators, aggressively annoying commercials, and dancing CGI robots. Also, if you don't have a vested interest in either team, the game can be hard to sit all the way through unless it's pretty close.