reformed calvinist

Air combat in general is completely fubar in Civ V...I was hoping they had fixed it in the expansions but it appears not. Nothing is more fun than sitting there watching the AI bombard you with his 20 stacks of air units while you wait for it to be your turn.

I got several minutes of my life for not reading that

Nobamacop. And I think we all know who we have to thank for this movie…

Lotta good shit designed in Minf

Wtf… are you one of my split personalities posting on a different account?

Musical greeting cards ftw

WA state… anything that isn't Nirvana is kind of a cop out. I don't even like the band that much… but I'll go with Come as you are.

I was wondering this too...from what I've read, AI Wars (with DLC) is the best game of the lot, so it might be worth getting at a low price just for that. But I also read that it's pretty difficult and requires a lot of time investment...which I'm not really prepared for after buying the Total War steam bundle

No, you aren't alone. He was the epitome of cool in the 90s and then just has become a caricature of himself since. Nic Cage is pretty spot on comparison.

It's become such a steady formula lately...take a well-respected 80s movie, drain it of anything that made it good, add a bunch of desaturated grittiness, CGI, shaky cam shots, get drubbed by critics and fans....and then make a lot of easy box office money.

One thing that makes it great is that it doesn't TRY to be the best show on television…unlike a lot of other critically respected dramas (won't name any names). So it ends up being very consistently a lot of fun to watch.

he didn't get much to do, sadly. but he at least wasn't aggressively annoying like say….betty white or jack black (who was purposefully so, but still…)

I'm still on the fence about this week's humble bundle, because it has EU3 and CK2...two games I'm curious about but feel like I'd never take the time to learn properly.

So I bought the Total War collection during the recent Steam sale...and I really want to like the series, but am having trouble jumping in after my many years of Age of Empires/Civ/Heroes of Might and Magic training. Anyone want to suggest a specific entry to play to get used to the feel of the series?

also "real time" battles that you can still pause whenever you want to issue orders. (which I actually like, being an old man who has given up on ever having starcraft apm)

Sunny and a blistering hot (relatively) 70s in Seattle. Whaaa?

The first or second thing I thought of (after JAMC) was My Morning Jacket's The Bear.

The Beach Boys never seem to get enough love. They may not have been as consistent as the Beatles/Stones/Kinks on an album by album basis (except for Pet Sounds), but their singles were all uniformly great.

Yeah…a lot of these songs are a bit obscure. Just Like Honey is an all time classic though.

my only problem with this episode, and kind of this half season as a whole, is how they're trying to turn Hank into a bad guy too. He's a little bit too much of a dick to Skyler and Jesse, and I feel like it's more of a writer's contrivance where no one on the show is allowed to be good than a natural growth of his