reformed calvinist

when walt picked up the CD in Jesse's car, I mistakenly thought it was a copy of the dvd confession…so I thought it was a taunt left by Hank saying he had Jesse…

gotta love a little political humor in your video game webcomics :D

damn you beta accessers. The rest of us just get to hear daily how amazing it is :/

Oh boy...incoming twee war!!

I tried Morrowind a few years ago, since my computer was not robust enough for the newer installments....yeah, it wasn't for me. Maybe at an earlier time in my life, but I just don't have the patience for the sheer open world-ness anymore. Which is a shame, because when I was in high school, I LOVED games that felt

Agreed...I like the show a lot, but with reservations. Cumberbatch and Freeman are top notch, but the storytelling and direction sometimes let them down. I also detest Moriarty, and not in a love to hate way...he is just plain annoying.

sorry, didn't mean you personally. i think i inferred from your post that you weren't speaking from personal experience, and my "your" was to a hypothetical audience of people complaining about their clamshell DSes that their kids had broken ... i need to learn to english better sometimes.

My daughter has been playing on a traditional DS since she was 3. Now she is almost 6. The thing still works fine. Tell your kids not to fucking manhandle their toys.

I still can't ever read the final strip without tearing up. There are a few other strips like that too, like the sunday one where they find a dead bird.

I honestly think that C&H will be remembered as long as Shakespeare or other classic works have been. Some of Calvin's polemics are a little dated, but the heart of the strip is pretty universal.

Makes me really wish i went to that college! Though we did have Sherman Alexie and Dan Savage speak at ours, and they both killed it.

Jesus.. did Faulkner do much other literary criticism? I'd love to read it… that man could write the pants off pants-wearing thing.

I think the stories are all really good… but I haven't read them since college (?). "Saga" is a bit of an overstatement though since its basically two novellas and a few short stories, so not too much of a time investment.

That is both confusing and dumb. In my days, we called those demoes.

I'm just glad Ryan Gosling was smart enough to avoid this whole mess. He continues to be more or less awesome in my book and would have made the worst batman ever.

God dammit… she shouldve had this firstie. Gimmicks need to step up their game

Either you are using the term "literally" ironically here or you are grossly overestimating the movie-going populace.

I don't think we'll ever see an Ancient Greece movie that tries to depict events with historical accuracy…audiences don't want to see that. They want the myths. Heck, even the Greeks retold their OWN history in a fantastical way (the Iliad)…it's just more entertaining that way.

I was a defender of Watchmen too I guess, but not passionately so.

@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus  Yesss, Gates of Fire was great. I read it back in high school, so granted I might not have the best perspective, but I absolutely loved that book. I actually think I wrote a short story about the battle, from the perspective of a ghost that died in the fight. It was