reformed calvinist

I absolutely love this whole sketch. Most of the long Python sketches are really great (maybe not the Sci Fi movie, so much). This one and The Funniest Joke are ones that I remember best from when I first watched the show as a kid on PBS.

I fucking know, right??!  Two decades later, I'm still stunned they didn't go with the obvious choice of goons for the sequel and instead created new lamer ones.  That said, I still loved Secret of the Ooze as a kid. I was just momentarily disappointed, is all…

agreed about Season 5 v 6 overall, with 5's weak finale being its only drawback.

same here. even if I don't always agree (fucking duck!), i look forward to them almost as much as the actual review.

interestingly, maybe not that much really did happen this episode. Pete's mom wasn't found, so she could be alive (though…there were a lot of sharks (best line in the episode)), Don may reclaim his job and Megan, etc etc.

it is easily my favorite IT Crowd episode. Season one was hilarious, but when I got around to this one…it was a whole nother level. It kind of feels like a very un-PC episode or Seinfeld taken to extremes.

it's probably the least Seattle-y show, next to Frasier. I always liked to pretend that Swedish on First Hill was secretly the Grey's hospital though.

Agreed. I watched this with my five year old daughter and we were both bored out of our minds. And this is a child whose favorite Beatles song is revolution 9.

even when I liked this show (season 2 mostly…and mostly because it was set in Seattle), she was still the worst.

one of those things they have to be doing though is rapping poorly. that shit never gets old

I eagerly await "Sassy Black Women" and "Scheming Asians"

I hope this movie flops because zombies need to return to the underground. Hollywood has spent the last two decades ruining zombies for everyone. Only professional lunatics like Romero, pre-fame Peter Jackson, and maybe MAYBE danny boyle…if he plays nice…should get to use them.

any time that movie is mentioned, i think of Legend instead, and get totally confused. then I remember how shitty I am Legend was.

Superman has always been the most boring superhero to me…he's the reason it's hard to make a good superman movie. And this is why Superman 2 was far and away the best one… because he wasn't superman for awhile

ZMF shows up when he's needed. Kind of like Batman in that respect…

and this is why the Emmys need not ever be brought up in a serious conversation. see also: the Grammys.

"Pullman brings a touch of amused disbelief to his everyman hero"

She's definitely not a dick like he is. I think you're being a bit harsh on him though… being abrasive is usually part of being truly troubled (see: Kim)

yeah I don't get all the nerd rage. It's a beloved franchise sure, but it's not like they crystal skulled it. And there have even been far worse alien films. Heck Prometheus is probably top 3 almost by default.

Yes 100% agreed. This running move happens in almost every action movie ever (even noticed it in finding nemo recently… but you know with swimming).