reformed calvinist

Zombi 2 is all kinds of awesome. I'm surprised it hasn't seen a remake yet. But a lot of its appeal are those great practical effects, which CGI would hold a candle to

This. I'd also add hvarf/heim as an advanced study

I too enjoyed the ass running album. Some of the mellow acoustic tracks are a little snoozy but the rest is great. ( ) is still my favorite though.

Do some of you guys not watch community or something?

RAM was more fun than tron legacy and human after all combined.

They raped the Duquesne family

Flashing Lights, Good Morning, Champion etc are some of his best songs IMO…but the rest of the album doesn't quite hold up. Some of the stuff like the Can-sampling song are genius in theory, but not fun to listen to.

because the style of the song is retro and doesn't reflect the 2010s at all. We live in the age of dubstep.

I hate superman and have had no desire to see this movie.

Dont the murders happen like 100 pages in though?

Agreed. I heard one song on the radio and it sounded like something off Takk. So this one should be a step in the right direction

Yeah wait a sec…. aren't those robots french? Got em off ma tee vee

why did people ever think the NSA wasn't spying on them ffs? i dont understand what they thought the purpose of this agency was.

to each his own..they were the highlight of the show for me, but I can understand liking the dry humor in itself.

Another reason this show is unrealistic… nerds having sex?!?!?

Lucas is the godfather of abandoning great practical fx for CGI.

I believe the phrase you're looking for is "hipsters gonna do the dip"

But now we can all go back and rewatch she's all that and it'll be SO much more poignant

Mankind has spent centuries designing glasses that complement rather than obscure a pretty face. So yes… girls with glasses are hot. Any other opinion is wrong

I know right? At the very least he should be fired for poor taste