reformed calvinist

I naturally assume he started this band. This country is mostly populated by av clubbers… right?

Hating on marvin gaye… now THAT would be douchey

Value village ftw!

Blue scholars are great but there was no way they'd ever hit it big. Too artsy and intellectual

and then there is Flight of the Conchords, redeeming everything that has gone before and will ever come after

this is a musicalwork review after all. we take this shit very seriously.

I agree that there were a lot of plot contrivances to set up that scene, but I have no complaints. If your plotting is intricate and believable to set things up that well, it feels more like a novel than bad tv.

Blackfish also seems righteous and competent. Hopefully we see a bit more of him next season.

Im anticipating a scene next scene where Yara bursts in and quickly decapitates him. that would be cool if it happens…


Camera Obscura has definitely eclipsed B&S. The last 2-3 B&S albums have been pretty weak, while Camera has been so consistently strong (admittedly have not heard this one yet).
Actually haven't heard their debut either, and by the sounds of it, I'm doing myself a disservice…

@avclub-300b6c9408d7d3ca5447cf31d533b495:disqus I think you just described why almost every single remake of the past decade has been total balls.

I just started watching it too. I didn't love it immediately…I liked it, and figured it would improve to the lofty heights where AVC holds it. Turns out…it did! Right around the first Halloween episode, and has been sheer genius more or less since then. (Just starting S3 now.)

I'll definitely do it someday…I went back and watched the pilot, and that alone was 10x better than it was the first time around. Problem is that I have so much NEW stuff to watch, like Community, which for some reason I'd never seen til now.

the problem with rewatching TV is the sheer time investment. I'd love to go back and see all of the Wire again. But I'm not sure I want to devote the 60 hours. That'd be like rewatching Citizen Kane 30 times over the course of a month.

just finished ep 4 and I completely agree…THIS finally felt like the old AD. Ep 3 was good, but Lindsay's new face totally took me out of the show and distracted from a lot of the jokes. (Plus Lindsey is one of the less funny Bluths).

Some of the deaths in the Wire definitely hit me harder than any show ever has. I won't spoil anything… in fact, most of the deaths were spoiled for me beforehand. But I still jumped out of my seat when they happened  and was completely stunned for the rest of the episode/day.

GoT has always been slow paced…people complain every season. if you're only here for the tits and blood, I guess it could be annoying. but i have absolutely no gripes with this season. it's been solid every episode.

yeah.. that part of the review was crazy talk. I wish he'd have stayed boss for a few more seasons.

Would have loved to see Tenant without the RTD bombast. As for RTD vs Moffat… true the RTD years were incredibly hit or miss. But when they DID hit (usually a Moffat episode), they knocked it out of the park.