reformed calvinist

Yeah she would be great…in a love-to-hate kind of way.

I know, right? Ditch Moffat, keep Smith….that news would have made me happy.

@avclub-f08b7ac8aa30a2a9ab34394e200e1a71:disqus holy shit! mind = blown

well after this whole kerfuffle, the next doctor almost HAS to be black.

I'm in the middle of watching Remembrance of the Daleks, and there's a great scene where McCoy is talking to this black dude about causality, and the dude references his ancestor's slave past and how it's all the fault of white people and sugar. NOT racist!  And there's also a scene where Ace takes down a "No

Old and new, I assume, since they reference Let's Kill Hitler. What is more racist, after all, then mocking hitler and shoving him in a closet?

My 5 year old really likes it. I don't have the patience to pay attention to it all the way through, but it sure LOOKS cool.

I still think If Only is their best song. It was the first song of theirs I ever heard and it was all over the alt radio station here for awhile. Their whole first album is pure stoner goodness.

I've seen very few 3D movies but typically have had a positive experience. In addition to the films others mentioned I'll add that tron legacy looked good in 3D.

When I had Netflix I spent as much time on instant watcher than I did the actual site. Made tracking new and expiring titles a breeze. But I stopped subscribing when Netflix jacked up their prices and separated streaming from mail. It fucking sucks now anyway, so this news doesn't change my opinion of them.

aww isnt the naive past so cute

for me, the Seth Rogen/Wiig flashbacks are the most distracting thing. Those actors are too themselves/not George/Lucille-y enough for me.

I didn't know porn parodies were fair game for this article…

I think by "sure thing" you really mean "obvious failure in the making." But heck, I'd still be excited if it were announced today.

I loved Prometheus…easily the best Alien film since the second.

Im two episodes in. It's very plot heavy and joke light.  I don't hate it, but I'm also not laughing a whole lot. I hear it gets better though..

First Alien movie i saw in theaters… as a teenager, I couldn't hate it. But fuck if I have any idea what they were thinking. It makes Prometheus look elegant by comparison.

that already came out last year, to rave reviews. might want to see someone about your memory

hey…at least it was better than mall week

you can buy legos in bulk from a lego store, I guess…only found this out from googling (can't actually find on their site though). a lot of the other "basic" sets like the one archmage linked aren't that good. i got the girly one for my daughters, and it's $30 for about 400 pieces. It's an okay basis for a collection,