reformed calvinist

A-wings were a bitch too

It really is outrageous. As a dad trying to buy legos for his kids it seems there is hardly anything worth getting. Too many stupid tie ins like pirates of the carribean. And sets are usually 20 bucks for like 100 pieces (most of which are small decorations and useless for building anything else)

Definitely like it a lot more now than when it originally aired. A lot of it is as good as season 2 IMO.

Kinda like how the sim city server issues were great publicity for EA!

Crystal's a great voice actor (see Monsters Inc.) but he just feels a bit out of place in Howl's. I'm not sure why…possibly because the animation isn't tailored to his personality like it may have been with Pixar. He's too vocally flamboyant for the more subdued Miyazaki visuals, I guess..

actually, after all these song shout-outs, High Violet is seeming better than my memory was letting on. I remember liking a lot of these tracks more than Boxer's for the most part. Time to revisit.

yeah this is true a lot of the time. I've heard a lot of people say that about Alligator/Boxer or say Soft Bulletin/Yoshimi.

I'll have to add that to the "needs a re-listen queue"

100% agree about spacing out Game of Love and Within. Game of Love is one of my favorite tracks, but it feels flat coming in at track #2, especially after the rousing opening. Within I'm not so fond of, and being so close to the other ballad doesn't help.

sorry…should have said "one" instead of the the ambiguous you. wasn't trying to call you out or anything

I really loved Alligator, but each album since has felt like diminishing returns to me. I feel like this band has potential, but the music just doesn't grab me the way, say the Walkmen do (when they are on their A-game, which Heaven wasn't).

If this were an album of straight disco cuts, which is what the first half seems to be tricking you into thinking…it'd probably still be a fun listen. The fact that we get epic shit like Giorgio, Contact, Touch, and Beyond thrown in is just what really makes this great.

Same here. First listen was more or less "wtf?" But then Doin it Right and Contact brought me around. A few days later, it was like crack….I really wanted to be done with work so I could come home and listen again. I kept singing Lose Yourself to Dance in my head.

yeah same. I really don't feel the B grade either. Easy A-… great wedding scene/party scene, great davos/stannis/melisandre business, and great final scene with Sam.

maybe i'm a little unobservant, but I don't really see much difference in the two up there. But I already bought my daughters a Merida doll that's thinner than either of those. I suck

snagged as in picked off the shelf with a small squeal of delight, then legitimately checked out like a good library patron.

fuck yeah Public Library! I just snagged season 3 off the shelf the other day. guilt free.

amen brah

Touch gets more amazing with every listen

seeing this show first, it might feel a little dirty to go to F&G and check in on Lindsay…