reformed calvinist

yeah this is definitely not the "punk of its day" (nor is anything by the Beatles…Sijsdfosdflksdl pitchfork! *shakes fist*)

agreed…the song pretty much IS that arpeggio, with some other shit happening in the background that no one still cares about. But still..damned if it isnt a good guitar part

in the sense of applying the term to !!! though, they're really talking more about post-punk with a dancey beat.

agreed about theon (and the bran scenes for that matter). im so tired of checking in for more of the same. especially with the torture stuff…really could do without that.

I actually really like slow episodes of this show. they usually feature long-winded reminiscences which can be more enthralling than the on-screen battles. this episode was a bit light on those moments, but I did like Thoros' spotlight

i usually check the time about once during a GoT episode…it ends up being 5 minutes from the end, and I get to say "shit, it's ending already?" and also tense up for what might be an explosive final scene.

The Time Warrior was pretty great…one single Sontaran seemed like such a threat (well until the doctor defeated him by hitting the vent on his back). I don't think that sense can ever be recreated though, especially after the silly 10th doctor two-parter.

yeah there's a lot of really shit pop music that defines our culture as well

any Hulk movie that doesn't feature Mark Ruffalo….I no longer care about.

Iron Man 2 has drunk tony in his metal suit, blowing up watermelons and turntabling at a party. I've leave it for you to decide if the surrounding movie is worth watching.

Loved Thor too. Memorable? Not really…but thoroughly enjoyable, and full of amazing cosmic effects in the norseland. yes i know it has a real name…no i'm not a comic book geek and don't really care what it's called. And Idris Elba.

Agreed… It's not really a twist, it's a revelation. It doesn't change anything about Willis' journey to becoming a superhero, which would still be relevant regardless of whether or not Jackson is a villain. Similarly, Signs is more revelation than twist.

agreed 100%. Unbreakable is a lot better than the Sixth Sense, which suffers far worse from the criticisms leveled above (too serious, too much whispering).

the fail in this post is incredible

so you're saying this isnt really the final chapter?

actually, I think Octopus's Garden fits in fine, especially on a side that has Maxwell's Silver Hammer (which I will defend to the death as a great song—-shut up haters!). The entire first side is kind of a mish-mash of great songs that don't particularly fit together. Which sets you up for the stunning, of-a-piece

I'm a John man at heart, but I value Paul equally. Hell he (and George) may even be better songwriters and musicians. John was sloppy as hell, but the emotion behind his songwriting and performing was so potent.

me neither. Good Night is good, and I don't mind With a Little Help from My Friends, because it sounds like the Beatles pretending to be a shitty lounge band. Octopus's Garden and Yellow Submarine are both ok. Act Naturally isn't too bad, though it doesn't sound like the Beatles at all.

I always really liked Varys…but he became one of my favorite characters this episode

yeah…this really was a "women, fuck yeah!" kind of episode, wasn't it? Dany, Margery, the grandma Tyrell, even Cersei all had great scenes.  and nary a tit in sight!