reformed calvinist

yep same here. Loved that movie and had a huge man crush on Owen ever since. I've actually been kind of disappointed with the projects he's chosen, but Children of Men is one of his best by far.

also not nearly robotic enough. why didn't they slap several layers of vocoder on him at least

my family's favorite christmas movie by a country mile. not underrated in our house at least

agreed except for the River part

basically, whatever's most convenient for the writers at any given time—that's why it happened. timey wimey blippity bloop

you're not alone..actually most of the community seems to think the A is unwarranted.

what bothered me much more was how british all the russians were. does the tardis translation software also transform their physical appearances?

im with you on this one…dont see how this even approaches A material. But I would have given last week's a C or lower, leaving B/B+ territory for episodes like this.

im with you…i actually thought the scene was funny. i knew AJ wouldnt die so soon after Chris dying, so it became this absurd moment of AJ botching yet another thing he put so much work into.

im with you…i actually thought the scene was funny. i knew AJ wouldnt die so soon after Chris dying, so it became this absurd moment of AJ botching yet another thing he put so much work into.

Ugh…Im one of those people like you…I was hoping this might be a return to that poppier sound, but I guess not?

Yeah, The Wand is pretty cool. That album has a few highlights, just not enough to make it worthwhile.

honestly…i dont give a shit how they master their recordings as long as the songs are good. Neither At War nor Embryonic did much for me on either level though.


nothing useful to really add but agreement that 1) the soundtrack kicks fucking ass and 2) the overdose/Perfect Day scene is so great. easily the best part of the movie by far

"and here’s another moment where a lesser show would have had someone answer Gilly’s constant questions of what her baby was, rather than trusting the actors to convey that information and the audience to get it"

also, how the hell are jamie and brienne going to have a fair rematch now?

yuppp…thats what we get for being dirty rotten pirates i guess.

I really liked season 6. I think a lot of the complaints were that the arc-heavy episodes were too numerous and that the arc kind of fell apart the longer it went on. I agree with the latter, but those first two episodes, the Impossible Astronaut and er, whatever the other was called, were so strong, I was willing to

The Unquiet Dead is pretty great,,,especially compared to the other Gatiss efforts like Idiot's Lantern (hate hate hate hate HATE that episode)