reformed calvinist

Only seen 1 and 2, and they were both so hilariously awful that it was kind of worth it. wasn't 3 (tokyo drift?) straight to video? it is amazing the the franchise bounced back…mostly on the strength of stupid people and their money that the show has triumphantly ended, i guess it's a good time for me to start watching it? im a huge sucker for ancient roman/greek stuff, so I don't know why I waited so long.

I think it's safe to say they won't be as good as classic AD…the funky one-character-per-episode structure alone makes me wary.

I'm reading this D as "best episode the Following has ever produced!"

Is there a band called Spork? If so, I imagine they suck pretty bad

really? i thought she looked great (didn't recognize her though). as soon as she appeared on camera, i knew don had to be banging her,


this probably would have been a good single episode if they had just excised all the Betty bits. i really don't understand why they devote time to her character.

yeah that's more than you can say of the holocaust

oh they could make it work… kinda like how the crew survives at the end of The Black Hole movie (which also inspired those episodes, come to think of it)

sonic screwdriver's starting to really bug me…if they're going to use it as a magic wand, at least have some cool fx shoot out of it, harry potter style. anything but the constant buzzing.

those bad fx were in service of good stories, though, so they were easier to overlook

the Impossible Planet 2 parter is one of my favorite stories in all new-who. "substantially better" feels like a gross understatement to me, but i am a bit biased…

Fear Her really IS worse. and there may be others. i think L&M gets a lot of flack mostly for the final scene where moaning myrtle is a paving stone.

this is correct. if you hang yourself properly you die almost instantly. if you fuck it up, you have to wait until you get strangled, which is brutally slow and painful. dont ask me why i know this…

I am just in awe of how terrible this show is reported to be. I don't think that watching it could ever compare to how bad it is in my imagination by now.

it's gonna be fun watching tv and movies in a few decades and having to explain to the younger generation what everyone is talking about when they say twitter.

agreed about the catchphrase, but saying this "internet that kills!" episode is better than Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, that cube one, or even the Angels one is kind of silly.

i liked her much better here than in her other appearances so far. i think she toned it down a bit, which was nice…or else shes just growing on me

would Planet of the Oods count?