reformed calvinist

it's kind of like a Shakespearean tragedy, where they tell you everyone is going to die in the beginning. i like this idea…

yeah i remember liking this on facebook…like ages ago

yep…that opening diatribe was just horrible, and almost killed the episode for me. luckily, almost nothing else that happened in Pay in Pain was remotely connected to it.

you people are crazy…i dont think ive ever made it all the way through that song.

as someone reading these reviews and watching the show for the first time…i love you, man

1977 is really good as well.

it's definitely not the kind of album you want to listen to front to back. but if Everything Zen or something comes on the radio, i don't mind it.

music today is worse in every way. get off my lawn.

man, i loved this album in high school. it felt so serious and important, even if it was a stretch to find any real hooks (especially compared to sixteen stone).

I don't really like Mad Men's dream sequences or flashbacks that much (though I love the show). I didn't take too much issue with Mystery Date's sequence though, because it felt like the kind of insistent feverish nightmare that you kind of know isn't real when you're having it, but it keeps dogging you, and you can't

these NBC shows don't get it…marriage is TOXIC to comedy's success. you need to keep snatching away what the character wants at the last second, so they are always unfulfilled. it's much funnier that way

you are pretty old school. to counterpoint for our modern viewers: Seinfeld.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Wouldn't you rather have had the simpsons, to take it to extreme, end several decades ago than try to ignore it all this time? I understand not wanting to feverishly call for a show's end at the first sign of it getting stale, but for fans of a show, going out on a high

same here. but i love a lot of those late-90s hits that most seem to despise.

yeah, just let him do his thing…it's cool

Seth Rogan married to Michelle Williams? I'm going to pre-emptively assume that this movie sucks.

Is that the name of the new Semisonic-inspired movie?

you're going to make a better case for 2009 than that.

this is why i call every song with a dance beat "techno" and then yell at kids to get off my lawn.

I think the real purpose of this article was to show that Vice sucks. And it does.