reformed calvinist

slider here bitches.

the force is strong with this one

pics before decision plz

I for one would watch a star wars sequel if it featured a lightsaber-wielding warwick davis villain.

yeah that smug phrase, and the resulting jokes, are obsolete now. let's never speak of them again.

I think my parents have this record too, though it's in shit condition, so probably worthless.

ok, now there's a song where i can get behind the hate.

yeah i kind of agree. Champagne Supernova immediately makes me think of sitting on a school bus in 1996 and hearing some kid singing this to himself as he looked out the window.

you… are what's wrong with the world. *shakes fist*

I'm sorry, but that was a horrible theory. You deserve the resulting cynical disenfranchisement.

James Franco is the difference.

so um…why is this guy mayor, of a major city no less? in Seattle, our mayor rides his bike to work while smoking pot, or some shit.

better than that Sherlock episode where Moriarty uses an iPhone app to disable all the toughest security systems in London with the push of a button.

i didnt mind the jokes, but that clint howard dude is so annoying. he plays the same crazy in every single thing i've seen him in and he's always annoying.

The arc of Calvin and Hobbes is almost like the Beatles' career to me, which is why they both feel perfect. They started out simple, grew increasingly complex, and quit at the top of their game (though a case can be made of the middle works, of course).

the Simpsons has so many perfect episodes, it's almsot futile to catalog them all. though i'd argue that in general the 3-8 run or wherever you make the cutoffs isn't quite perfect as each season had bum episodes.

Wire season 4 is perfect pop culture. nothing could be done to improve it.

i've only seen a few episodes of Mr. Bean but they had me in stitches. i think it depends on your appreciation of physical comedy.

somehow, this tamborine/dancing supergroup doesn't sound very entertaining. kind of like a drum circle, minus most of the drums.

same here pretty much. the movie made me hate the band member maybe, but like (or tolerate in the Dandy's case) the music.