reformed calvinist

that's what makes the movie so great. for being an incredible asshole the ENTIRE movie, Anton actually comes across somewhat sympathetic. at least in my eyes.

same here. this movie was pretty much my favorite thing ever for several years, along with 24 hour party people, which is similar in a lot of ways, despite not being a documentary. i ended up selling both, and really regret it.

I was really into BJM for awhile after first seeing this movie. Kind of burnt out on them, but they have some really great songs scattered amidst a lot of dreck. You can make a killer playlist with songs from the 3 albums they did in 1 year, and the semi-big release they did after that.

that reminds me…whenever anyone asks for my definition of good singing, i usually just shrug and say Freddy Mercury. Seriously…dude is awesome.

yeah, i can't disagree. and the very few people i've found who profess to not like Neko Case's voice…I'm pretty sure they're just being stubbornly contrarian.

some of us are very clean thieves, thank you very much.

fortunately, i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

ugh…. RDJ as Oz would have been wonderful. Also, the story, so far as I can tell from reading references to it in the original Wizard of Oz book (not sure if there is an actual prequel book) is a pretty solid one. Sounds like the did it a gross injustice here.

it's qunitessential in that it doesn't transcend its arnold-ness, unlike Predator or Total Recall. and yeah, it's not just good for it's camp value. there is some pretty interesting, if lightweight, social satire.

yeah, the C+ review for running man is complete bullshit. is it as good as total recall? no. those are impossibly high standards. but it's a damned entertaining movie, and easily top 5 80s-Arnold.

well he did pretend he was a fascist that one time…

what was the first post again? i forgot already

exactly. just watched this the other night, and while it is really funny at times, the springfieldians just feel way too out-of-character. it basically disposes of characterization for laughs, which is what the later seasons increasingly do. except here the jokes are actually funny, at least.

yeah, rotten sandwich ftw as far as i'm concerned…if only for the sickly colors homer turns

man alive, you are old. in a good way!

Follow up statement from the band: [Scott] is smelling like a rose that somebody left us on their birthday deathbed."

yeah…as much as I don't really like Alice in Chains anymore. Lane, and the rest of that band, are just so much better.

"I like the way this Mr. Dnaliew thinks!"

shouldn't they just disband instead? what's the point of going on without your lead singer, especially when the backing band is so genericly generic.

In Rainbows definitely has surpassed Kid A in my rankings by now, but I was never a huge radiohead fan back in that early-00s heyday.