reformed calvinist

are you claiming that Jim Carrey is in some way inferior to Boris Karloff?

are you claiming that Jim Carrey is in some way inferior to Boris Karloff?

see also: green lantern, daredevil, a bunch of other shit i purposefully didn't see and can't remember

joke all you want, but I wouldn't mind another influx of sci-movies (even if they are mostly shit). superheroes and zombies have been done to death this/last decade, and fantasy is too risky to make unless you're peter jackson.

i kind of agree with you..the origin stories end up being the only watchable part of the saga (with a few exceptions…the dark knight), because they are brimming with potential, which actualized ends up being really boring. see: iron man.

saw it, liked it. would definitely file it along with Half Nelson in "movies that are ok on their own, but made much better by gosling"

it was hard to watch, but did not make me want to kill myself, like say Control did.


i think the franco factor is waning at this point. future stars must be more gosling-rich to ascend into the dominant sphere

they're both divas…incredibly talentled divas. so it's only natural they'd feud. i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

but who would win in a bowie vs morrissey fight? initially, i'd say morrissey…he's beefier. but bowie would probably whip out a laser gun or unleash the spiders from mars for the killing blow.

in the reissued version, a holographic version of him does.

agreed….i'll maintain that was the finest review they've ever done

flagged prematurely for any forthcoming rapey talk

so totally worth it

I heard one song on the radio and it wasn't for me. Which is how I've felt about MMJ ever since Evil Urges. One of the problems is that James just doesn't sound like a good singer anymore. I don't know if it's because they ditched the echoy silo production or because he's just trying something new, but I don't like it.

thank you for mentioning this…i've been irritated for weeks now about this "musicalwork" category, and haven't had a place to vent.

i was not a fan of that two-parter, so i can't really comment objectively. i never bought that the doctor was in danger at the end of part 1, and the timey-wimey stuff they did to make everything work out ok in part 2 was too much for me, even for Who standards.

yes, neither Tennant nor Smith ever seem particularly vulnerable, though there are a few episodes where they are, temporarily at least (like the one where 10 thinks he's a schoolteacher..a good two-parter because of that vulnerability). I think Eccelston did a good job of seeming in trouble…like in Dalek, where he's

second track is even better!