reformed calvinist

Maybe it's nostalgia talking, but I think all of those early 00s albums hold up. I still listen to Is This It, Bright Lights, Veni Vidi Vici, the walkmen debut, and probably a few more on a regular basis.

I was a freshman or sophmore in college when this came out (who can remember?) too, and it totally defined awesome music for me. i can't hear it without thinking back to those days…same with Oh Inverted World.

I was a freshman or sophmore in college when this came out (who can remember?) too, and it totally defined awesome music for me. i can't hear it without thinking back to those days…same with Oh Inverted World.

i haven't been able to pinpoint which songs brent did on previous albums…but Moms sounds exactly as good as the last few, so no complaints here

i haven't been able to pinpoint which songs brent did on previous albums…but Moms sounds exactly as good as the last few, so no complaints here

well, glad this av club reviewer likes menomena. that review of Mines a few years back was dreadful. don't think this band will ever top their debut in my mind, but mines was pretty strong as well. will have to listen to this one some more.

well, glad this av club reviewer likes menomena. that review of Mines a few years back was dreadful. don't think this band will ever top their debut in my mind, but mines was pretty strong as well. will have to listen to this one some more.

i like to think he posted this both a week early AND a week late

i like to think he posted this both a week early AND a week late

as someone who rooted for the Broncos vs the 49ers and then watched them lose 55-7 (or whatever the ridiculously awful real score was)…this joke has always been a little painful

as someone who rooted for the Broncos vs the 49ers and then watched them lose 55-7 (or whatever the ridiculously awful real score was)…this joke has always been a little painful

One More Time might be the only auto-tuned song I thoroughly enjoy. Most of the other vocal songs on Discovery (digital love, something about us) sound more like vocoder to me, but I don't entirely understand the different technologies.

One More Time might be the only auto-tuned song I thoroughly enjoy. Most of the other vocal songs on Discovery (digital love, something about us) sound more like vocoder to me, but I don't entirely understand the different technologies.

I generally detest albini and everything he says……but he was spot on here. Very well articulated takedown.

I generally detest albini and everything he says……but he was spot on here. Very well articulated takedown.

actually, reading books like this and dostoevsky's famous ones do a good job of teaching you about Russian culture of the time. the worlds they build are so thorough that I don't think you need a whole lot of background. you might want to wikipedia some references to the freeing of the serfs, etc, as they come up.

actually, reading books like this and dostoevsky's famous ones do a good job of teaching you about Russian culture of the time. the worlds they build are so thorough that I don't think you need a whole lot of background. you might want to wikipedia some references to the freeing of the serfs, etc, as they come up.

I really liked the scenes of Levin surveying his farm and taking part with the workers. the language was so vivid (rosemary edmonds translation…ill try a different one next time) and the sense of place so finely detailed. one of the only other novels i can think of that accomplished this feeling so well was Dead Souls

I really liked the scenes of Levin surveying his farm and taking part with the workers. the language was so vivid (rosemary edmonds translation…ill try a different one next time) and the sense of place so finely detailed. one of the only other novels i can think of that accomplished this feeling so well was Dead Souls

I don't think i've managed to watch that one all the way through. I love the novel and i love kurosawa/mifune, but that didn't seem quite the way to go about adapting it.