
I’m thinking he did. Watch his episode of finding your roots with henry Louis gates (PBS). If I recall he grew up with a great aunt for a period because his mother was intermittently involved and his father was in prison, I think the first time he ever sees his father is when professor gaites shows him his mug shot.

Much like any famous singer, hip-hop\rap Mc’s have very distinctive voice\inflection \flo w and production. I dont think its anymore difficult than any other genre or language in that you just have to hear 2-3 songs from that person to be able to recognize a voice. There are people all over world who love WuTang,

didn’t even realize just the username is enough to sink the ”I too am a negro” nonsense . 

I had an attending with Celiac dz, when he treated he would always order us food from Qdoba because it was gluten-free.

No my argument against her is she a parasite with no education that lied to people who trusted her. She is not “the healthcare industry” just a fraud who draped her ineptitude in religion and made sure to do it another country where she was sure her crimes would go unnoticed. But don’t let that distract you from

You clearly don’t understand that “well what about...” is not ever a valid point in and of itself. We have plenty of non-medical personnel pretending to be clinicians in the US and causing harm, what does that have to do with what this woman did under the guise of mission work. The fact is she went over seas as a NON-m

Bullshit we are not in the dark ages, even places in this country where physicians are sparse are still bound by legal and ethical codes of conduct. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, helping one child who likely would have survived anyway given the glaring evidence of her ineptitude and lack of knowledge

I gave you an example of a real life white person this would aptly apply to instead if the fake straw man scenario you’ve created in your mind. If you want to continue having a discussion with yourself instead of reading my reply and staying on task go ahead, but don’t bother to continue to reply to me with sililoquy

You are too myopic to see that we are looking beyond him as an individual, because unlike you we are not obsessed with his more than obvious guilt. There are wider implications about the court/judicial process that are occurring given his mental health history and these are applicable beyond race, just look at what

ETA: The lawyer referris to a hearing held which determined his fitness, but unless that included testimony from a psych after a rigorous eval im still concerned they didn’t do any testing and are just happy they will be they avoided a trial right up until he assaults\kill someone in prison.

I promise you I am not one of those “the books are always better people”, but reading the books would help a lot. The chapters are character driven with details and appropriate development so names are easier to recall because they have more substance. There is also a family name list in the back of the books complete

Yep I follow a Journalist on Twitter, Arellano, who made an enemy if his local school board when he wrote several articles about the history of the towns founders/administration and their well known connections to the local KKK starting with the person one of the schools were named after. 

I think the main issue is that the fight for voting rights in general have been divided amongst several organizations like ACLU, NAACP etc. I am excited about what Abrams is doing with Fight Fair Action group. You’re right there has to be some pro activeness present to counter these attempts at disenfranchisement. A na

There is a period of time between contemplation and action, and removing those elements has been shown time again to increase that time period which can allow for intervention. People often change their mind in that short period and it’s not that the thoughts go away, but just in that short period not having certain

He was thiiiiiiis close to directly quoting the red dot\white feather line from Jay z but decided to go with the just as ignorant food metaphor.

Exactly. I am very much tired of this. Has a black person done it? Then it’s something that black people do, fin. I understand there are nuances but I find some really ridiculous biases start oozing out when you push back with Socratic reasoning. That’s when the “I am a speshul black person” and the faux incredulous

I’ve already seen an article title describing the fight as “brutal” as though it was some kind of underground child assassin classroom so we’ll see.

I wouldn’t expect a teacher to stop a fight either, plus it was noted the school had a resource officer. I meant delays in MEDICAL intervention. There could be a chance nothing would have changed the outcome, however if it turns out that she had a witnessed loss of conciousness or dizziness/headaches and they parked

Sounds like she sustained a very bad head injury, which I’ve seen happen in people who’ve fallen from standing height. Any delays which could have effected intervention should be reviewed by the school/board. I am not comfortable with the attorney suggesting an Elementary School student be tried as an adult.

Never mess with southern people that have 2 first names, especially if contains lynn and or may/mae