
Some of NIN stuff does have a country vibe to it. I’m thinking specifically of Hurt, that Johnny Cash cover hits for that very reason.

Timecrimes (Los Cronocrímenes) 2007, was also pretty low budget in regards to the SFX and is one of my favorite time travel films.

He did, looks like he was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor. Denzel is wonderful, even the not so great movies are fun to watch. I remember listening to the episode on Virtuosity and having a good laugh because I saw that movie at least 3 times. Sometimes I make my cousins younger

W.Kamau Bell and Kevin Avery made a podcast called Denzel Washington is the greatest actor alive period. It’s a great appreciation of Denzel’s work, but more importantly they speak about the under-appreciated artists/creatives of color that surround him. If it wasn’t for the show I would never have seen this film and

I think true tragic heroes that are not also clear cut anti-heroes are all but absent in western storytelling and that is why the death hit so hard. It made me an instant RR Martin evangelist, I told anyone and everyone to watch the show which I just happened across and watched because I saw Sean Bean with a sword.

I think true tragic heroes that are not also clear cut anti-heroes are all but absent in western storytelling and that is why the death hit so hard. It made me an instant RR Martin evangelist, I told anyone and everyone to watch the show which I just happened across and watched because I saw Sean Bean with a sword.

Its like you all have abandoned your own vision to twist yourself in knots to makeup this excuse. EVERYONE else on the poster is listed up top, EVERYONE. 

All these comments about how billing works knowing good and well that except for Lola you have no actual experience with how it works, plus I have eyes. Every blasted person on the poster’s name was at the top, any other explanation of why her name was not also up there initially is not in line with common sense.

Per most of the articles they would have to agree to “co-use” Blue Ivy or one would have to buy the other out.

They can negotiate terms which state no payment will necessary if it’s not used. They were able to trademark the name under other offices (house ware, clothing etc). If other people try to trademark it they can block it just like they have the other attempts.

It is probably costing her a pretty penny in lawyers fees, but if she didn’t have at least some resources at her disposal I think this would have been resolved a long time ago whatever the outcome.

It is probably costing her a pretty penny in lawyers fees, but if she didn’t have at least some resources at her disposal I think this would have been resolved a long time ago whatever the outcome.

This is why the general public will watch as the uber wealthy accumulate more riches. This woman is not being presumptuous or trying to take advantage, this is her brand name on which she has built her business. If she sells she would have to change her social media, her business cards, any logo’d items she may have

Double post

The thing is she has the trademark and despite Jay-z/Beyonce’s celebrity she has the upper hand. If I were her I wouldn’t sell the rights at all, I would let them negotiate a licensing fee. She doesn’t have to be altruistic this is business. Because if a large company owned this trademark people wouldn’t expect them

I enjoyed Hereditary but only because I tend to be forgiving of meandering horror/thrillers as long as the pay-off (ending/explanation) is at least somewhat interesting.

I enjoyed Hereditary but only because I tend to be forgiving of meandering horror/thrillers as long as the pay-off (ending/explanation) is at least somewhat interesting.

Oh they are definitely hoping this will be settled and not proceed to discovery because I am sure this boys social media has more nails than the defense would ever require. 

Except the part where the officer also obtained a warrant by lying about alleged drug activity obtained from a supposed confidential informant.

Crazy. Why does he even have a bag of heroin available.