Are they from Spain? Yes? Then you’re Hispanic. Even if you consider yourself white, the government won’
Are they from Spain? Yes? Then you’re Hispanic. Even if you consider yourself white, the government won’
Having to take that stupid over runway tram at Dulles is the worst.
On it’s face that would be what one would expect, but what will happen is more Hispanics will identify as White (especially if they add that are you a citizen question), so eventually the number of Hispanics on the census will appear to remain the same or go down, and the the white population will “increase” and…
for every white baby born 2 black or Hispanic kids are born
Malcolm Gladwell spoke to someone on his pod cast that came up with and excellent term for exactly that, moral licensing:
Puzo ‘s writing could be so ridiculous but it was like reality TV it was so bad it was good. I am ashamed to admit I read The Last Don and Omerta as well.
I would say mostly but not always. A lot of the time its a tie for me and I enjoy being able just to discuss the differences.
I read Jurassic Park way back in the mid 90's but I remember wishing they’d kept some of the stuff from the book but liking both the movie and book equally despi te the difference s.
There is no “movement”, just those whove had power and visibility historically getting upset that those who didnt have a voice before now have the nerve to ask not only to be heard but also tell their own stories. Art now, as ever, is subject to the opinions of the public at large instead of the circle jerks of the…
What’s more hilarious is that they are obviously talking about Steve Harris (brother of equally awesome Wood Harris) who was on The Practice not Law and Order. Also I really miss Boondocks animation.
Levin knows he’s gay, but he believes he’s not like “those gays”. Kanye knows he’s black but he’s not like “those blacks”. Their wealth allows a certain level of denial and cognitive dissonance, but trust they are swallowing the poison when they pretend not hear the racism/homophobia they must experience.
Of course you’re from Ohio
I havn’t watched Disenchanment, but background/environment is definitely one of the things I enjoy about digital animation, also magic circles (every anime has magic circles now). Berserk: The Golden Age Arc is an example of digital art done right. There is a great Chinese anime called Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of…
Rightly so. I know the digital stuff helps as far as speed, and I don’t hate it there is a lot of cool things digital art can add. But when you watch older animation even from early 2000's and compare it to now the difference in the little things like loss of texture/shadow in the coloring and shading is hard to…
Do you really believe that “actually more people should vote” has any due diligence as a thorough counter opinion. Your short story has no where within it an actual rebuttal.
I love how can still see some of the underlying line gesture. I miss hand drawn animation.
Shes wearing a bad wig, but otherwise she has unblemished skin, and white teeth. Plus pic is a bad angle, but its also a mugshot. My point is they both look like regular people but given what the article is about, you and OP are reaching for something only a therapist could help you grasp.
I have had this saved in phone since it was created and it is the gift the gift that keeps on giving. I especially like to use it when people start claiming its all the poor ignorant redneck’s fault, and yet you can clearly see little difference in the addition of a college education.