
Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes.

They weren’t shady. They invited her to do a project with them and she initially said yes but then later buss them off because she felt like she was wasting her time because they were “just associates” and she wants to make partner. I have no problem with what she did to Taurean but you cant screw over people and

lol Chad is the best.

I agree she shouldn’t have had to kowtow to Taurean, but she should have fostered some allegiances prior to making her move as new employee. The other women knew he had an ego, if she’d helped them like she promised and still made her power move they would have supported her. Now she is isolated with an assignment

So everyone is just taking a collective dump in the kitchen. Pick the one you consider as goid friend material and leave the rest of these people alone.

90 day fiance. plus you can find most older episodes on line for free. Try or watchserieshd

When I was in 4th grade one of my Asian classmates told me her mother said we couldnt hang out anymore because I would “bring her grades down”. kids are going through more than we think and no its never too early for a discussion especially in this country, its not just going to seep in. 

As a black woman I will start off by saying there is nothing wrong with your son wearing the shirt on its face, that is to say superficially. You can hold Weekendmusic’s opinion and remain superficial or.... Consider that often times we as black people encounter individual s who love the commercial aspects of black

I have it on my PC and I play it on and off havnt finished it yet. It actually holds up pretty well and a lot of the present mechanics are there so doesn't’t feel too awkward My only complaints are the tasks are kind of repetitive but that occurs even in much later AC games.

Now playing

One of the Lox (please begin with Chapter one Bad Boy in the year of our lord 1997)

No problem. The area that almost made me quit Rise was was the spot where you crawl under the door and end up in that open chamber where soldiers just start dropping from the ceiling. It definitely took more than a week of sporadic playing to come up with something that finally worked.

You’ll probably be okay, I found what made Rise of the Tomb Raider hard in some places was they increasingly limited access to healing resources as the game moved on. Another option is to practice on an easier game with similar game play. I started playing The Last of Us and got stuck early in the game where you are

A whole lot, and sadly toward what they believe is consternation over alleged historical accuracy without bothering to consider that a narrative does not equal historical fact. Like the real issue boils down to something akin to preferring Amistad over 40 yrs a slave, fuck outta here. When actually it’s more like the

I’m not quite clear on the point you’re trying to make. You cannot extricate the story of the black diaspora from that of the immigrant, it’s going to have occurred in some generation. Even all this director’s movies which we are discussing involve immigrants. Now if you are saying you want to see stories about

I understand the importance of visibility and representation for people of color especially historically, I’m excited about it. That is why I especially love this woman’s page:

So interracial relationships that aren’t centered around themes of oppression don’t matter because “artistic license”.  

She can focus on whatever she wants to, but why can’t she depict interracial relationships without such clear power imbalances?

I am glad that a black woman is creating work that’s getting out to the public. I’ve only seen Belle which I enjoyed a lot, and so I don’t want to make any sweeping assumptions so I’ll defer to someone who has seen more than one of her projects. But to me it looks as though she is only interested in exploring the

So its sweet tartar sauce...

If you have any close aunts or uncles they may be more forthcoming. I found as I got older family issues \secrets were discussed more openly in my presence. Plus the conversation may not be as awkward but you would also be getting second hand information.