lol, sometimes I want to be un-greyed there but then I realize that when you stare into the abyss...
lol, sometimes I want to be un-greyed there but then I realize that when you stare into the abyss...
It is an excellent movie but we would have represented even if it was just okay, shit we still do that. I always point people to Will Packer’s IMDB page (FAMU represent). His movies are always in the black and consistently make over double to triple their budget. The excellence paired with diversity and representation…
Man listen I want to see Granny Goodness and the Furies with every fiber of my being, with Ed Asner reprising his role as Granny as a voice over.
I like all the commenters on other sites (*cough Io9) trying to pretend that there are other factors at play for this films success more influential than the fact that POC, especially black people, show up and show out for our own.
If they had developed Dr. Maru’s character more, nixed Huston’s character, changed the end, and added more action the scenes with the amazons like the ones from Justice League, it would have been better. In fact, they should have followed the animated movie and had the entire thing on Themyscira. If they placed Timm…
He is kind of extra, but that’s what I like about him. With some of these actors you’re just watching them be themselves which is fine when the role suits, but I appreciate when they try to go for something different. All that aside there was nothing about the trailer that made me want to see it.
The gag is it was a predominately white institution and she and black people still gravitated towards each other. That documentary was something else.
Not true we can distinguish between the two, oral is usually HSV1 and genital HSV2. What we can’t distinguish between is infection versus exposure because the current test only looks for antibodies (just like the test for chicken pox) which are present in both scenarios, which is why symptoms are needed for a…
But probably still watches ESPN though
A while back they started mixing it with coconut water so its pretty popular in the Caribbean (won’t ever beat out rum though), there is even a song:
What you are talking about is actually called “rebound tenderness”. It is only a sign of localized inflammation and is helpful in diagnosis but mostly in combination with patient history (nausea, generalized pain, vomiting with later progression to RLQ pain). But it is not necessarily not specific to only the…
Your sarcasm isn’t doing you any favors, obviously you disagree but that in and of itself is vague. Why not write out your actual opinion with salient points instead of just rehashing your rebuttals of points that others have already made
Because they are hoping the ingrained colorism/white supremacy that lingers due to colonization will continue to bring those elites into the fold and thus contribute to the hegemony instead of disrupting it.
Any book that includes a Souse recipe is legit.
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin and I second Butler, The Seveneves, and Annihilation.
Not just Africa, they have spread to the Caribbean also
Some AMC’s. The one closest to me has the large chairs that can recline.
In don’t believe it is one size fits all either hence my stating it was student dependent. I was still thinking of it in terms of it private education, but I can see how they would be comparable to charter schools if state\govt school.