
If Richard Pryor didn’t tarnish his legacy when he made jokes about smoking crack and lighting himself on fire and myriad of other things, why would she think some errant gossip would do so.

It’s important to note that the film’s title of Tyrel, while the protagonist’s name is Tyler, is no mistake

I agree the only person she embarrassed was herself, with bonus of disappointed her child on record for posterity.

I only went up till 3rd grade but I remember it as pretty structured. We had circle\attendance, dedicated math time, and dedicated reading time. The remainder was spent on whatever learning activity you wanted to complete, like say learning the countries in africa. You self study and when you feel you know the

I think the results are definitely student dependent. I left montessori after 3rd grade in the 80's. Only initial issues I had when I transitioned to regular class style was getting used to homework and learning how to write book reports. But I also was reading well, knew the entire map of world (individual

Replied to wrong person.

I’m getting starred by burner and troll accounts

So consideration for people, understanding context, and history in an institution of higher learning (Ivy League at that) is now “silly”. The problem is he was high on his own supply thinking that he is going to somehow enlighten people by spewing the n-word instead of just saying “the n-word”. Because he’s never

But there are many paths to lead students to understanding concepts. Let’s say we were discussing diagnosis and removal of foreign bodies, and I say “for example ryanmustangs presents with a foreign body stuck at 10cm beyond the anal verge...”.Words mean things and it matters how you present information because even

If you have to resort to edge lord shock tactics to be impactful and effective as an educator there is something wrong.

It is obvious, which begs the question of what kind of a person does this to another person anyway despite knowing exactly what the outcome will be just to “give an example”. It’s disingenuous and in bad faith much like your asinine comment.

How is an industry legends gossip\opinions on the same as her navel gazing mental mastubatory trip to no where. People may not like or agree with what Quincy has to say but at least he’s staying in his damn lane.

But UF is in Gainesville which is further away from his home town (Pensacola) than Alabama would be.

ETA: Gainesville is just as far as Alabama would be from his hometown.

“No, I am Martin Luther King I have no chill” is the message these MLK revisionist need to hear. Also I went to school with a girl whose parents name her Nichelle because of this show.

I love both shows which is why I got extra excited when Clark Johnson appeared on The Wire. Turns out he also directed a few episodes as well.

Here is a clue:

Well... The superfluous nature of your reply will become apparent to you once you familiarize yourself with the not-uncommon term “scapegoat”.

Racism in a state founded for the sole purpose of becoming a white supremacist enclave? Nay

What is more concerning is that some people will look at the photo and preemptively decide that these were people and ideas of a long bygone era (like petrified wood or fossils) not realizing that it wasn’t long ago and these people are still very much alive.