
If you are good at following directions download the Kodi app, and google how to install Exodus on it.

She eye pass for truth, she don’t know a thing about day old Pepper Pot gravy with some plait bread.

It was okay. It was great as a detective/mystery, and the historical aspects were interesting, but it lacked emotional depth. Despite the events and heaviness of the subject manner it maintained this weird clinical aloofness that just brought it down. Hopefully the show will do better.

If you enjoy books that do a really good job creating atmosphere, and don’t mind descriptions of events that start in media res with very little explanation of how and why you’ll love it. I am a sucker for horror/suspense and I don’t need clear answers as long as I’m sufficiently creeped out and curious to know more

It’s been a while since I read the book but I remember it mostly consisted of introduction of the characters, descriptions of the exploration, inner musings/memories of the main character, and then a flip into a kind of Battle Royal scenario. I don’t even remember the ending. If the dialogue/character development is

None taken, because that is precisely what I was thinking about but didn’t take the time to articulate. It took a step beyond the primary narrative, and that takes a deep if not personal understanding of how discrimination works. With the use of Caliban in some of the movies I thought eventually we’d see The Morlocks,

Director is a woman of color giving more exposure to Caribbean people and our culture, plus creating more jobs for actors of color, just give it to me now.

Great article. My exposure to X-men was mainly the 90's cartoon and an occasional procured comic book. The storyline that always stood out for me as a complex aspect of discrimination within the already existent one was the morlocks.

One of the albums that got me through gradschool and a classic from beginning to end ;)


I understand that the lawyers’ job is to deny and downplay in attempts to minimize or negate a pay out, however if anyone attempted to monetize images or 6 sec clips of Beyonce without compensation there is not a planet on which they would consider that “fair use”. I’m sure they will come to a reasonable settlement.

If it makes you feel any better they will likely be discharged and unemployable outside of the military. The military tends to train people specifically for these medical positions but a lot of times they are actually unemployable outside of govt/military because they have the experience but not the appropriately

She’s Mary Poppins if Mary Poppins had Hannibal Lector’s sense of cool, controlled sociopathy

They had it in english as well, they played it on Nickeldeon in the 90's I was too old for it but my sisters watched it and the theme song is embedded in my brain.

Something else occurred to me. No where in the letter does he specifically state anything about his feelings of love or affection for this woman, he doesn’t even say he misses her just that she “got away”. Keep swimming Rainbow Fish while he’s distracted with this farce.

Two thoughts:

lol, she needs to let sis know

U street started changing way back in the early 00's as they were slowly starting to buy up blocks there, near the reservoir, and south of Howard’s campus going towards the Capital. By the time I graduated there were already million dollar condominiums in place.

Wow it got a 7.2 that’s a pretty decent score. With Stellan too. I know what I’ll be watching this weekend.

 I’ve read my share of King and agree with all your points. I am actually about 50% through It (skipped it for some reason till now). And you’re right Mike Hanlon and his father are the first non-stereotypical black people I think I’ve read from King thus far. However that positive unfortunately is overshadowed by the