Red Guard

Wait what statements are you referring to? If she was mentally ill, that is truly unfortunate and I hope she is getting help. But the lawyer represents a person whose life was seriously impacted by this and has a legitimate grievance against Rolling Stone. I don’t understand why calling a spade a spade is gross?

“ has ultimately had a negative effect on the way publications and institutions are willing to talk about rape and sexual assault.”

I want desperately to believe Jackie

They mean that even after someone’s story is proven to be untrue and a fabrication, self-identifying as a “victim” should still net you special consideration and a completely baffling assumption of truth-telling.

Tell me, how do handle a story about someone who fabricated a rape story in a sensitive and graceful way, without calling that person a liar?

Yeeaah, dunno if I trust a carpenter with something that goes in my balls

This is much better than the last famous carpenter’s birth control method, abstinence. Still, I wonder if the switch should be placed farther from the main action, given the repercussions of an inadvertent reversal.

This thing needs an indicator light so nobody forgets what position it’s in. I can’t even remember whether the ringer on my phone is on or off.

White devil?

I know I am arguing with Jezebel folk so there really is no point, but this isn’t bad taste.

It must be sad for all you people to live in a world where what race you belong to is constantly on your mind. I cant see what this woman did wrong at ALL. Please get out of your (american) bubble and see what the rest of the world is like. You create your own racism. It’s dumb.

This is not racism. Stop diluting the definition of the word by saying this is it.

I feel like you have a legitimate point, somewhere in here.

Most of the racism seems to be coming from the direction of Jezebel, and Kara Brown in particular.

Has anyone asked Koko the gorilla what she thinks about this? Hers is the only opinion I trust these days.

Gawker and Jezebel are nausea inducing.

It may seem there are only 2 sides to take, however, both Kara and Blogarka are indefensible.

Hopefully those tribes will die out so people can’t pull this shit anymore. Disgraceful.

Not gonna lie: I like the fotos and thing she did a good job. Never understood the hassle about the blackface.

You can really tell that Gawker is circling the drain.