Red Guard

This is like Morrisey staffing the suicide hotline, or John Wayne Gacy writing a childcare column.

Yeah yeah. A woman commits a crime and it’s always due to “mental illness”, at least according to the Jezzbians.

Because the truth hurts?

Witch switch?

So if you get too rough during sex you might accidentally hit the switch?

For your white guilt?

Al Jolson wasn’t racist.

The blacks OWN the color black. I read it somewhere, probably here.

Only in your mind is it always mockery.

They probably do it just to see the SJWs fume and cry.

Either everyone does have the right, or nobody does.

I’m sure they were just CRUSHED that you left.

Ooooo, white guilt!

Playing with black nonsense, apparently.

No what?

Waaaa Waaa Waaa. Maybe Kendrick shouldn’t use the N word.

You’re just jealous, and it shows. She looks good!

Hathaway already showed the world her twat, so a baby bump is meh at this point.

Yes they are in fact white.

Whine, whine, whine.